Hackaday (unofficial) November 19, 2022 7:00am Real Minecraft Furnace Generates Electricity From Coal #games #furnace #minecraft #thermoelectricgenerator #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Real Minecraft Furnace Generates Electricity From Coal There’s a furnace in Minecraft that is used to power all kinds of things in the game. [Joel] of Joel Creates decided he wanted to build a real-world replica, and did exactly that. The furnace…
Hackaday (unofficial) September 1, 2022 9:00pm Powering a Cellphone With Gasoline #phonehacks #catalyst #fossilfuels #fuel #liquidfuel #phone #smartphone #thermoelectricgenerator #hackaday posted by pod_feeder_v2 Powering A Cellphone With Gasoline Batteries are a really useful way to store energy, but their energy density in regards to both weight and volume is disappointing. In these regards, they really can’t compete with fossil fuel…