

Gipfel des Protests

Kat_Schipkowski: Welche Proteste sind zum Klimagipfel #COP26 in Glasgow geplant? Greta Thunberg lädt streikende Arbeiter*innen zur Demo ein, Polizei sperrt die Innenstadt ab- eine Übersicht über Gegengipfel, Demos, Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams gibts hier https://taz.de/Vor-Klimakonferenz-COP26-in-Glasgow/!5807348/ #taz #tazgezwitscher #tageszeitung #Klimakonferenz #Glasgow #Greta #Thunberg

Schwerpunkt: Klimawandel



"Three years ago Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman #Thunberg was an unknown 15-year-old terrified that we were destroying the planet and furious that adults were letting it happen. Her fury was particularly directed at those with power. She decided to take unilateral action, and tweeted her plan. “We kids most often don’t do what you tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you grownups don’t give a damn about my future, I won’t either. My name is Greta and I’m in ninth grade. And I am school striking for the climate until election day.” She didn’t expect anyone to take notice. Thunberg had spent her short lifetime not being noticed. She was small, rarely spoke and described herself as “that girl in the back who never said anything”.

Thunberg spent the first day sitting cross-legged on her own outside the Swedish parliament alongside a sign made from wood scrap that read “Skolstrejk för klimatet” (“School strike for climate”). Although she was striking, she still treated it as a regular school day – she rode to the Riksdag on her bike, took out her books and studied till the end of the school day. The next week a few others joined her – fellow students, teachers and parents – and her campaign began to attract media interest. In September 2018 she began a regular Friday strike, calling it Fridays for Future, encouraging other students to join her. By March 2019, her protest had spread to more than 70 countries. On 20 September 2019, 4 million people joined a school strike across 161 countries – the largest climate demonstration in history."...


Greta #Thunberg:
According to the new IPCC report, the carbon budget that gives us the best odds of staying below 1,5°C runs out in less than 5 and a half years at our current emissions rate. Maybe someone should ask the people in power how they plan to “solve” that?

Original (Englisch) übersetzt
Laut dem neuen IPCC-Bericht läuft das CO2-Budget, das uns die besten Chancen bietet, unter 1,5 °C zu bleiben, bei unserer aktuellen Emissionsrate in weniger als fünfeinhalb Jahren aus. Vielleicht sollte jemand die Machthaber fragen, wie sie das "lösen" wollen?

Quelle und weitere Infos von Greta: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1424786109859565580