

The NEWSPASTE Podcast - #Dr. #ShivaAyyadurai - Every Swarm is #Sacred
2 hour 11 minutes - Posted Feb 1, 2024

On this episode of the #NEWSPASTE Podcast, @JohnnyVedmore speaks with presidential candidate Dr. Shiva #Ayyadurai about system science, the Swarm, and "Booby F-ing Kennedy."

Expect strong language in this episode of the NEWSPASTE Podcast. Dr. Shiva does not hold back his disdain for Trump, #TuckerCarlson, and Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. or those who work with them. Prepare to learn about what Dr. Shiva has termed "the Swarm", which is an intuitive way to see how the media, politics, business and influencers rely on a system which keeps them on top, and regular folks in chains.

he is calling out such as #WhitneyWebb, #RussellBrand, #DelBigtree et al. It may be #uncomfortable; that's the rub about growth.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Df4Ptn8LRsM