

Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change


"We are pouring #carbon #dioxide and other #gases into the #atmosphere with hardly any concern for its long term and #global-effects ... the #solutions to these #problems requires a #perspective that embraces the #planet and the #future because we are all in this #greenhouse #together."

(Sobering to watch in 2021)
#carlsagan #sagan #congress #1985 #climatechange #science #greenhouse-effect #international #amity #global #consciousness


The Pale Blue Dot - Le Point Bleu PĂąle

Tu n'es pas si important que cela...
https://ytprivate.com/watch?v=bOWa2jvZSzo ou https://youtu.be/bOWa2jvZSzo

Carl Sagan, Le Point bleu PĂąle :

Depuis ce poste avancĂ©, la Terre ne semble pas avoir grand intĂ©rĂȘt. Mais pour nous c'est trĂšs diffĂ©rent‎. Regardez encore ce petit point. C'est ici, c'est notre foyer. C'est nous. Sur lui se trouve tous ceux que vous aimez, tous ceux que vous connaissez, tous ceux dont vous avez entendu parler, tous les ĂȘtres #humains qui aient jamais vĂ©cu. Toute la somme de nos joies et de nos souffrances, des milliers de religions aux convictions assurĂ©es, d'idĂ©ologies et de doctrines Ă©conomiques, tous les chasseurs et cueilleurs, tous les hĂ©ros et tous les lĂąches, tous les crĂ©ateurs et destructeurs de civilisations, tous les rois et tous les paysans, tous les jeunes couples d'amoureux, tous les pĂšres et mĂšres, tous les enfants plein d'espoir, les inventeurs et les explorateurs, tous les professeurs de morale, tous les politiciens corrompus, toutes les "superstars", tous les "guides suprĂȘmes", tous les saints et pĂ©cheurs de l'histoire de notre espĂšce ont vĂ©cu ici – sur ce grain de poussiĂšre suspendu dans un rayon de soleil.

La Terre est une scÚne minuscule dans une vaste arÚne cosmique. Pensez aux riviÚres de sang versées par tous ces généraux et empereurs afin que, glorieux et triomphants, ils puissent devenir les maitres éphémÚres d'un petit morceau d'un point.


Carl Sagan (/kɑÉčl ˈseÉȘɡən/n 1), nĂ© le 9 novembre 1934 Ă  Brooklyn (New York) et mort le 20 dĂ©cembre 1996 Ă  Seattle (Washington), est un #scientifique et #astronome amĂ©ricain. Il est l'un des fondateurs de l'exobiologie, et a soutenu le programme #SETI de recherche d'intelligence extraterrestre. Il a rĂ©alisĂ© la sĂ©rie documentaire de vulgarisation scientifique #Cosmos, diffusĂ©e Ă  la tĂ©lĂ©vision sur plusieurs continents. Il est aussi connu pour son militantisme en matiĂšre de scepticisme scientifique.

#Earth #Terre #PointBleuPĂąle #PaleBlueDot #Voyager #Voyager1 #Messenger #PortraitDeFamille #NASA #Sagan #CarlSagan #Cestpassorcier #Astronomie #Espace #Space #Soleil #SystĂšmeSolaire #Photo #Art #Philosophie #Politique #Vie #Maison


As a mathematician, I always feel alienated, because of how little people know about maths, and because every non mathematician just scares when you start explaining something, even the easiest thing. “Oh, please, stop. Anyway I won’t get a thing”. This is the regular reaction of people.
Most people don’t know what #math is. But the worst part is, that they not only don’t know, they don’t want to know. Math scares them. Even physics doesn’t scare them as much, as math. Maybe because there is something that can be shown. (And also due to the great books of Stephan #Hawking and Carl #Sagan) But when it comes to Mathematics, everything becomes more complicated, because you can’t show it. It’s too abstract. And, it even doesn’t really exist. :)
So, I don’t have to say how much I appreciate when I see a popular #book about #maths. For me, as a reader, Edward #Frenkel's book “Love and Math” was a great read. (especially the beginning of the book, last chapter or two were bullshit
ehm, sorry). He showed how much Math mattered. He showed that it’s not a tool for #physics, but it can be the one which directs it.
Today I wanted to write about other book, a comic book about #logic “Logicomix”. When I started writing this post, I realized that what I want to say and how I feel about this book, is not quite about the book. This book. It’s more about my view of math, and how it should be represented to non mathematicians. And my concerns about this book are not relevant. They have done what they thought was important, telling all these stories about #Russell and war, and not paying that much attention to #Gödel, #Turing and Von Neumann. (Actually there was too little math in it. But I was very impressed when they wrote about #Frege (without explaining his system, without pointing out differences between Frege’s and #Aristotle's systems)).

Now I’m considering writing small blog posts on math for non mathematicians :)