

Anyone else find Blogger's "Dynamic Templates" utterly impossible to read?

I occasionally find myself pointed at a Blogger site that's using the "dynamic view template" designs. Usually my first indication of this is that the site has no content in it. Oh. Go enable Javascript to view basic Web text....

OK, now ... let's save this to Readability (for better or worse, my present Web content archival system).

Nothing shows up.

OK, let's go back to the page. Wups. Whatever entry it was I had been reading is now replaced with .... something else. And back-arrow navigation is broken.

Needless to say, by this point in the game, my interest in reading whatever had driven me there in the first place is ... effectively nil.

Add to this the usual horrors: fonts mis-sized to my reading preferences, persistent horizontal page headers / footers chopping into the viewable area. And ... well, it's not a pleasant experience.

Oddly enough, this is yet another Google property. What is with Google's anti-Midas touch that turns every Web property it comes into contact with to UI/UX shit?

Not to mention: the fact that no text renders without JS is ... a violation of Google's own spidering rules, no?

Unless there's some Sooper Sekrit URL incantation that robots are directed to ...

Hrm ...

Other than the sitemap, not that I can tell (and the sitemap appears to put all text into the site's feeds).

To put a face on this crime, Umair Haque's "On Global Prosperity blog is what prompts this specific rant.

#blogger #css #javascript #uiux #webhorror #usabilityhorror #dynamicviews