

AMR Awareness Week (Day 5): MDR-TB, the existing anomolous AMR pandemic

The emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB) represents one of the most daunting challenges to disease control worldwide let alone to controlling AMR.

Drug-resistant TB is the only antimicrobial resistant infection that is airborne so is by any defnition the hardest AMR problem to contain.

#acupuncture #tuberculosis #WAAW #moxibustion #moxafrica


Today is the second day of ‘World Antimicrobial Awareness Week’ and Moxafrica is publishing a series of blogs posts.
Antimicrobial Medicine Resistance is unquestionably a growing problem and indeed was endorsed as such by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the Sixty-Eighth World Health Assembly in May 2015. It's also no coincidence that the year before that, in 2014, the then UK prime minister David Cameron had commissioned a review regarding what he was being advised was a worrying global phenomenon. “If we fail to act,” he warned at the time, “we are looking at an almost unthinkable scenario where antibiotics no longer work and we are cast back into the dark ages of medicine.” His doom-laden warnings were undoubtedly being stoked by his then Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, who (since leaving office in 2019) has become the UK’s official ‘special envoy on AMR’.

#acupuncture #moxafrica #moxibustion #WAAW #AntibioticResistance


Today is the first day of ‘World Antimicrobial Awareness Week’ and Moxafrica will be publishing a series of blogs during the week, intending to appropriately promote better awareness by discussing what this week is all about (and it's a complex and multi-facetted issue that demands much better public understanding). They plan to relate it to tuberculosis control at some point, but will also examine what can be done by politicians, global authorities, farmers, doctors and vets etc. and offer some advice about what people can do about it themselves.

#acupuncture #moxafrica #moxibustion #waaw #antibiotics


Today is Antibiotic Awareness Day

Door de WHO is antibioticaresistentie erkent als een van de grootste bedreigingen voor de wereldwijde gezondheid, voedselzekerheid en ontwikkeling.

Ieder jaar in november, op Antibiotic Awareness Day, wordt er wereldwijd stilgestaan bij het gebruik van antibiotica. Antibiotica zijn sinds hun ontdekking een van de belangrijkste hoekstenen van de moderne geneeskunde. Door gebruik in mensen en dieren worden bacteriën echter in toenemende mate resistent voor de beschikbare antibiotica, ook in Nederland!


  • Antibioticaresistentie kan iedereen, van elke leeftijd, in elk land treffen.
  • Antibioticaresistentie komt van nature voor, maar misbruik (onnodig gebruik) van antibiotica versnelt het proces. en groeiend aantal veel voorkomende infecties - zoals urineweginfecties, longontsteking, tuberculose en gonorroea – worden moeilijker te behandelen omdat antibiotica steeds minder effectief zijn.
  • Antibioticaresistentie leidt tot langer verblijf in het ziekenhuis, hogere medische kosten en verhoogde sterfte.

#EADD #AntibioticResistance #WAAW