

Helen Allingham - On the Brook Road near Witley watercolour [+]

Helen Allingham (née Helen Mary Elizabeth Paterson 1848 – 1926) was an English watercolour painter and illustrator of the Victorian era.

Helen Mary Elizabeth Paterson was born in 1848, at Swadlincote, Derbyshire, the daughter of Alexander Henry Paterson, a medical doctor, and Mary Herford Paterson. Helen Paterson was the eldest of seven children. The family moved to Altrincham in Cheshire when she was one year old. In 1862 her father and her 3-year-old sister Isabel died of diphtheria during an epidemic. The family then moved to Birmingham where some of Alexander Paterson's family lived.

#HelenAllingham #watercolour #painting #art


Illustration by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

Tragically, both of her sons died in action in World War II, and she did not publish again after the war ended, saying that “the war stopped the taste for fairies – in parents anyhow – and the fairies fled, appalled at the bomb”. (The Art of the Australian Fairy)
*this is not entirely true - she did publish again, just nothing about fairies. Pixies, yes. Guineapigs, sure. Fairies, no.

#art #illustration #watercolour #ink #Australia #fairies #fae