

today's #backofanenvelope #wealthredistributionpotential calculations [paste @ end of post], without even including half the items of dormant wealth consolidations and squanderances as done last time (and even that time there were still many more parts missing), just from adding the estimated millionaires and billionaires wealth, it still came out as 300K each... which is 50% more than the previous calculations. :3

and that's of course still not taking into account the synergistic potentials, the loss of poverty drag, the unleashing of emancipatory technologies and other innovations.

we have so much headroom.

we can still mend this.


#economics #fun #ghci

ps, hastening to add: not advocating #robinhood style #wealthredistribution, just having fun to think about #resourcepotential and #economics and the numbers.

GHCi, version 9.0.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
ghci> billionaireinterest=2700000000
ghci> billionaireovertwealth=7000000000000
ghci> millionaires=60000000
ghci> avgmillionairewealth=20000000
ghci> millionaires * avgmillionairewealth
ghci> millions = millionaires * avgmillionairewealth
ghci> billionaireannual = billionaireinterest * 365
ghci> billionairehiddenwealth = billionaireovertwealth * 6
ghci> billionaireswealth = billionaireovertwealth + billionairehiddenwealth
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions
ghci> pop = 8000000000
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions / pop
ghci> pop
ghci> mic=4000000000000
ghci> inflation=(100000000000*150)
ghci> rotnin=200000000000000
ghci> ggdp=100000000000000
ghci> energy=20000000000000
ghci> wallstextract=109000000000000
ghci> wallstdestroy=wallstextract*7
ghci> wallstreettotal=wallstextract+wallstdestroy
ghci> vaticangold=60000*1000000*420/100*90
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold / pop
ghci> ( billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold )/ pop