

Code Vulnerabilities Put #Proton Mails at Risk

Source: https://www.sonarsource.com/blog/code-vulnerabilities-leak-emails-in-proton-mail/

These privacy-oriented #webmail services provide end-to-end encryption, making communications safe in transit and at rest. Our findings affect their web clients, where the messages are decrypted, mobile clients were not affected.

The vulnerabilities would have allowed attackers to steal emails and impersonate victims if they interacted with malicious messages.

#email #privacy #security #software #news #browser #web #problem


Bwahaha. I just tried to install the Rainloop webmail client. For the 4th or 5th time. And again it failed.
First I had to go in search of an .htaccess file that actually protects it. Then I had to create an application.ini file with hard-coded admin credentials, which didn't work after that.
I'm totally giving up on that thing; it's impossible to get it going.

Does anyone know of a nice PHP webmail client for home use, next to Squirrelmail or RoundcubeMail, that is actually setuppable?

#webmail #php


SMail (video 2)


Estas aburrido, mirate el video y lee la descripcion.

Estamos buscando personas en participar del proyecto.

Esta es una prueba del poder de SMail.

SMail es un protocolo de correo nuevo, no es compatible con el viejo EMail.

Escrito en PHP bajo licencia GPLv3

Source code:
$git clone https://reisub.nsupdate.info/.git/smail.git

Git Web:



XMPP Chat:
Sala: smail
Muc server: u.urown.cloud

Telegram grupo:

Esta escrito por Boris Daniel desde Cuba teiendo solo 12 años.
Los problemas que tiene son muchos al no disponer de Internet tiene que comprar pack de datos para usar Internet.

Pondes ayudar al proyecto colaborando con el codigo o enviando dinero a Boris Daniel para comprar mas Internet.

En https://liberapay.com/edkz

#smail #php #webmail #cuba #argentina

SMail (video 2)