

regardless of how much #disinfo there is in this, i'm still glad i'm not letting strangers and unaccountable institutions of imbalanced power jab me.
... and doubly so when reconsidering the likes of: https://youtube.com/watch?v=G8Us_UCc5lY
possibly one of the very most important interviews, especially vitally important these days... if not already a little late... though, dont believe you cant put the toothpaste back in the tube. there are ways.

adds to the suspicion/incredulity/distrust from overhearing another middling insider say something like "once the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have everybody running scared of a disease without symptoms".

#biosovereignty #totalitarianpanopticon #trackingpeople #nojab #whatsinit #monitorringchips #beyondblack #mediamanipulation #interesting #important #theydonothaveyourbestinterestsatheart
#stevengreer #williampawelec