

trying to cut down my tv to just worthwhile (and yet still skipping bleh in this)... but am i still in the alarm fearporn or is there pragmatic traction from this too...

mpv "https://rumble.com/v18hz92-david-graeber-on-bureaucracies-of-violence.html" "https://odysee.com/@PandemicParallaxView:6/PonP-AreWeBeingHypnotized-AndDoWeLikeIt-ProfMattiasDesmet-Ep26:9" "https://odysee.com/@PandemicParallaxView:6/WFA-Censorship-Far-More-Destructive-to-Human-Life-than-COVID-19-Will-Ever-Be:4" "https://odysee.com/@PandemicParallaxView:6/AviBarakIview-DrJessicaRose-080622:b" "https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/nz-scientist-examines-pfizer-jab-under-the-microscope:6"

in a sea of misinformation everybody's a shill. some more than others. some less. who knows who.

#censorship #meaninglessjobs #prenotubember #masshypnosis #myopia #hypnosis #narrativenarrowedattention #donoharm #theylie

#restartcriticalthinking #rewidenawareness

#patriotsdisobeycrooks #cantfollowscienceasthatsoxymoronicorwelliannewspeak #whatsinit


do you at least read the ingredients? or do you just look at the advertising and marketing deceptions on the front of the packaging?
if you don't even read the ingredients listed on the back, what chance is there that you will do your due diligence in a little research into the products offered to you under the advertising and marketing claims of medicines and vaccines?

#food #advertising #marketing #pharmaceuticals
#forprofit #wealthextraction #marketmanagement #populationmanagement #perceptionmanagement
#questionmore #questioneverything


regardless of how much #disinfo there is in this, i'm still glad i'm not letting strangers and unaccountable institutions of imbalanced power jab me.
... and doubly so when reconsidering the likes of: https://youtube.com/watch?v=G8Us_UCc5lY
possibly one of the very most important interviews, especially vitally important these days... if not already a little late... though, dont believe you cant put the toothpaste back in the tube. there are ways.

adds to the suspicion/incredulity/distrust from overhearing another middling insider say something like "once the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have everybody running scared of a disease without symptoms".

#biosovereignty #totalitarianpanopticon #trackingpeople #nojab #whatsinit #monitorringchips #beyondblack #mediamanipulation #interesting #important #theydonothaveyourbestinterestsatheart
#stevengreer #williampawelec