

I'm still on the journey to using #Wayland rather than #X11 but there are a few issues which I'm not sure how to resolve.

Here's the scenario that I'm currently looking at. I have a separate #touchscreen which I can attach to my #laptop via an #HDMI connection. I can configure it to extend the usual monitor, say to the right. However, when I touch the touchscreen, it registers movement on the laptop's monitor even though I'm touching a location which should be to the right of it. With an X window set up, I can remap things using #xinput so that the touch is registered correctly but I haven't figured out a way of doing the same in Wayland. Does anybody have any ideas?


I've been looking at improving the usefulness of my separate #touchscreen when using a #program like #xournalpp for making sketches and writing on a display for other to see. It works OK with #X11 but the response to touches of the #stylus on the screen is a bit frustrating. However, with #Wayland, it seems to be so much better, which means the #hardware is fine and it's the #software that is not very sensitive.

The only issue I have now is that I can only get it work as a clone of the laptop display and not as a separate screen. This works with X11 though I have to adjust things a bit with #xinput. But in Wayland, touches on the screen as configured "to the right" of the main display map back to the #mouse #cursor on the main screen and not on the touchscreen itself. Does anyone have any ideas about a possible solution?

#GNU #Linux #Fedora #KDE #Xorg