

When I decided to try to build up some development momentum by restarting the Ray Tracing Challenge but with Dart/Flutter it was a toss up between that idea and deep diving into some retro coding on an Apple II. I briefly thought, "Why not do both?" Har har har. Well, it turns out someone did just that. A ray tracer in BASIC on a ZX Spectrum. #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #programming #ZXSpectrum #BASIC https://gabrielgambetta.com/zx-raytracer.html


#h0ffman | A #life in The #Demoscene & #Music #Production | #Legends in #TheCave - #RMC


Visit The Cave and talks like this at https://retrocollective.co.uk/
The #demoscene is rich with creativity, talent and tales of the people who contribute to it. Veteren "scener" h0ffman tells us his #story today from the #origins of the #scene to #modern day #demo #parties and all that's involved in being a part of it.

#retrocomputer #retrogaming #amiga #zx81 #zxspectrum #commodore #c64


RetroGaming Shorts Part 048 - Lockdown Town

Lockdown Town 2022 (ZX Spectrum)

Lockdown Town is a taxi type maze game, with pretty cute ambulance and covidiot pixel art/animation.

There are no "power pills" to let you take out the covidiots - your only option is to try and avoid them. Fortunately, their movement is random rather than trying to chase you down.

Normally, I prefer a game with smaller sprites and a more expansive maze, but since the monster movement is random, the cramped maze keeps the challenge interesting. Good game design.


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #ZXSpectrum


RetroGaming Shorts Part 039 - Frantic Pengo 2

Frantic Pengo 2 2020 (ZX Spectrum)

This might be the first time RetroGaming Shorts has featured the ZX Spectrum, somehow.

This Pengo clone features sublime 8x8 pixel art, with genius use of color attributes and surrounding tiles to make it look like more than just 8x8. Seriously, this is next level pixel art inspiration.


#RetroGaming #RetroGamingShorts #ZXSpectrum


20 фактов о грампластинках

В середине 1990-х казалось, что грампластинки всё. Вспомним некоторые истории и факты мира грамзаписи и подумаем, почему пластинки вернулись. 1. Пластинки могли быть толстыми и тяжёлыми. И даже были. Но Томас Эдисон, хотя и выиграл в патентной войне, в войне форматов — проиграл Изобретатель грампластинки в знакомом нам формате — родившийся в Германии американец Эмиль Берлинер (Emile Berliner). Его противостояние с Эдисоном (Thomas Alva Edison) началось с того, […]

#арт #гаджеты #компьютерыитии #общество #20фактово #zxspectrum #дизайн #дополненнаяреальность #история #книги #музыка #носителиинформации #томасэдисон #lang_ru #ru #22centuryru #22century #хх2век #xx2век #наукаитехника