

RetroGaming Shorts Part 098 - Angry Ninja

Angry Ninja 1994 (Commodore 64)

Awesome PETSCII art inspiration! This game really shows off what old school C64 PETSCII aesthetic can do. Just because you CAN fill up the whole screen doesn't mean you should. The small size of the map view gives an interesting sense of scale, and cropping the fights to just around the two (well animated!) characters makes combat feel more focused and deadly.

Oh yeah, the PETSCII animation of the melee fights is excellent.


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RetroGaming Shorts Part 075 - Just Yer Basic Missile Command

Just Yer Basic Missile Command 1991 (Amiga)

This PD Missile Command clone is the version I played the most. The graphics looked really sharp for the time - 640x400 interlaced!

I love the smooth fast action. It's the sort of game design where the programmer clearly played it over and over and kept bumping up the speed and numbers of enemies to pump up the difficulty to taste.

The result is usually a game that is WAY too hard for me. But in this case, the generously large explosions kept things manageable to me.

As a result of this game, most Missile Command ports/clones look really sedate to me.


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RetroGaming Shorts Part 067 - Sea Route to India

Sea Route to India 1984 (Commodore 64)

A COMPUTE type in BASIC game of the Oregon Trail type, with nice little minigames, all in PETSCII.

I think it could serve as good inspiration for mobile game design and aesthetics. For example, the PETSCII map and travelogue "dot" movement gives a particularly effective feeling of scale and adventure.


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RetroGaming Shorts Part 066 - Coil Cop

Coil Cop 1985 (Commodore 64)

Thing on a Spring is a cute platformer where you control a cute cartoon creature with a springy pogo leg. Here in the USA, though, it was renamed Coil Cop and advertised by Epyx as part of its totally rad MAXX OUT series.

So look at the totally rad COP OUT magazine ad for Coil Cop. And then contrast with the cutesy gameplay. I still wish the game I imagined from the ad existed.


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RetroGaming Shorts Part 063 - Ad Astra

Ad Astra 2023 (Commodore 64)

Ad Astra is a recent space trading action game, with an overhead view similar to Asteroids. It's deliberately slow paced rather than relying upon quick arcade action reflexes. The space trading genre, born in 1973, is one of the oldest computer game genres but it's still going strong.

It's a good place to try a game design, since the basic space trading framework gives the player a reason to travel different places and accomplishments to achieve by traveling around, without too much explicit developer effort designing "levels" or explicit missions. And it's not just the same game over and over again, since you can randomize which goods are more expensive where, as well as randomize prices rising/falling.


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RetroGaming Shorts Part 061 - Various Star Raiders type C64 games

Various Star Raiders type C64 games (C64)

Here are a few Star Trek type C64 games with first person shooting action (as popularized by Star Raiders).

3D Time Trek (Anirog 1983) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ckKxDZprDE
Star Force (ECP 1987) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKyt8KNu8Mw
PETSCII StarForce (???) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUFlhAsBOHk - actually a Star Fire clone

Okay, that last one isn't actually a full Star Trek/Star Raiders type game, but its PETSCII graphics could be used for a PETSCII Star Raiders type game.

Just throwing these out there for Star Trek or Space Trading game inspiration!

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RetroGaming Shorts Part 060 - On the Tiles

On the Tiles 1987 (Commodore 64)

I really love the pixel art and animation here, especially the cat. The dancing mouse and demonic cat face add something also.

The backgrounds also look really nice, and are a bit of a puzzle how they did it if you're familiar with C64 graphics modes. Despite the high resolution look, it's actually using multi-color mode with dark grey background and blue/yellow for the multi-colors. All tiles with high resolution have dark grey as one of the colors, and the other color is always one of the restricted MC colors 0-7 (for example, black or white). The lower resolution of the tiles with blue/yellow is disguised with clever pixel art.


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