
Rosendo shares with you

Akademy-es, the Spanish edition of Akademy organized by KDE España, starts today online. The event kicks off this evening with a workshop on podcasting using FLOSS tools, and runs all weekend with talks and panels on apps, coding, and bleeding edge tech.

Akademy-es, la edición española de Akademy, empieza hoy online. El evento arranca esta tarde con un taller sobre podcasting con soft libre, y sigue todo el finde con charlas y mesas redondas sobre apps, programación y tecnología punta.

So, I'm checking the #FacebookLeak, some people in there doesn't even have a FB account. But it turns out they have a WhatsApp one. In the leaked data WhatsApp users' ID seem to start with 1000. It also includes gender, which is not something one declares when registering on WhatsApp.
Remember that the leak is supposed to be from 2019. That tell us that, 2 years ago, #Facebook was already linking whatsapp data inside Facebook, even when you don't have a FB account, and pushing data from facebook to your #WhatsApp data, like the gender. Two ways binding.


I have created a #diaspora #pullrequest that would add the ability to block a foreign pod and all it posts from you own pod. It intended as a replacement of blocking IP's.
- It should prevent the blocked pod from being federated
- It will hide all posts from this pod
- it will hide users in search for the blocked pod
- it won't alter the database (its on your own how to handle unwanted posts)
- it makes use of already existing 'blocked' attribute in pod - table

What I like to ask the #podmin s out there: Is anybody interested to test it? Will this PR do what its intended for? Did I have mis something?
If there is a review (code or functionality) it might rise the chance to get implemented in Diaspora.

Here is the link to the PR:

#podmin #diaspora #help-requested #spamcontrol