Among the changes planed for the next major version of diaspora* (, there is the cleaning of the federation protocol. A huge work has been done by to improve the protocol during the past years. As always when you are changing things which allow software to communicate, and when those software are already used live on the internet, you need to go step by step. So, in diaspora*, the federation was able to understand both the old and the new type of messages, but was still sending the old one, as the pods which were running 0.5.x were not able to understand new messages. One year later, podmins all upgraded to 0.6.x and with, diaspora* started to send the new messages, but was still able to understand old messages (because that's what is sent by 0.6.x, remember). Now, with, no pods are still on 0.6.x so we can remove the handling of the old messages. That took time, but this is the finale step of that deep migration!

If you are curious, you can see the last commits merged on diaspora_federation, the ruby gem handling the federation protocol. It just reached exactly 1.000 commits since its creation!

Once again, a huge thank you to Benjamin, and everyone involved.

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