

While working on adding the possibility to like comments in 8203 (which has been merged, so you will have it in the next major release!), I reworked a bit the UI of the mobile version. It is using less space and better separate comments. Here is the before / after comparison. I hope you like it!

#diaspora #diaspora-dev #mobile


Hacking on #diaspora tonight, we discovered that Ruby 2.7.7 is now patched and correctly get the #openssl version passed in parameters, which means you can force Ruby to use OpenSSL 1, which is nice because we don't support openssl 3 yet, and that's the version that Ubuntu 22.04 ships. So until Ruby 2.7.7 it was not possible to run diaspora on Ubuntu 22.04, but that's now the case!

(and yes, we should upgrade to Ruby 3. If you want to help us with that, you're welcome)



Je mets à jour #diaspora-fr avec les derniers changements intégrés dans la branche de développement de diaspora*, il va y avoir une petite coupure.
La mise à jour apportera :
- La fin du bug empêchant le défilement sur la page des photos d'un utilisateur, après en avoir ouvert une en plein écran 8404 (Fla)
- La version mobile indique que l'aide n'est pas disponible sous mobile, au lieu de crasher 8407 (Fla)
- Les liens utiles (vers discourse, github...) sont maintenant disponible dans le menu principal de la version mobile 8405 (Fla)
- Les noms d'utilisateur qui contiennent un underscore n'était pas mentionnable dans la version mobile 8398 (@supertux@nerdpol.ch)
- Amélioration de la liste des pods connus pour les administrateurs 8403 (@supertux@nerdpol.ch)
- Beaucoup d'améliorations sous le capot par @supertux@nerdpol.ch, @denschub@pod.geraspora.de et @senya@diaspora-fr.org @senya@socializer.cc
- La possibilité de sélectionner plusieurs aspects quand on poste depuis la version mobile @podmin@societas.online

Merci à tous pour leurs contributions !

#diaspora #diaspora-dev


Je vais couper brièvement #diaspora-fr pour appliquer les dernières nouveautés de la branche de développement.
Au programme notamment, vous pourrez maintenant voir dans la carte de visite qui s'affiche au survol d'une personne si elle partage avec vous ou non. Diaspora* vous rappellera aussi votre nom d'utilisateur nécessaire pour vous connecter dans l'e-mail d'oubli de mot de passe. Il y a également le support de la syntaxe markdown pour les notes de pieds de page[^1], l'e-mail du podmin est accessible dans le pied de page, et la majeure partie du travail est sur l'import d'un compte, mais cela n'est toujours pas prêt donc pas de changements visibles sur ce sujet pour l'instant.

[^1] Qui s'utilise comme ceci : [^1] dans le texte puis la même combinaison avec : en bas du message

#diaspora #diaspora-dev


Hello @natrinicle@diaspora.natrinicle.com, while testing the import feature (see this conversation if you want to know more about the ongoing work), I had some errors 500 coming from your pod. Could you please check your logs around 10h14m05s this morning and tell me if you see some stack trace? Thank you!

From my side I had [2021-09-13T10:14:10] DEBUG PID-8336 TID-62280 Rails: ETHON: performed EASY effective_url=https://diaspora.natrinicle.com/receive/public response_code=500 return_code=ok total_time=0.509388

cc @tclaus@diaspora.social

#diaspora-dev #migration


#### Here is an important post regarding the future of diaspora*, in the wake of the loss of Framasphère, with a look at the history of diaspora*, achievements and disappointments, some tragedies, and much good will along the way. And the question again, of "where do we go?" and should we?

Merci, @fla@diaspora-fr.org. I hope this English version helps get some attention too.


ORIGINAL POST (in French):

Nous sommes le futur de diaspora* / What is the Future of diaspora*


This is as important a post as can be to diasporans (is that a word?)
I’ll post a translation at the end of this. First, a mini-synopsis:

In English: there is an anguished conversation about the possibility of “ending the project” known as diaspora*. This post and thread is growing fast, and has chunks of commentary now in English too. But much is in French, and in response to the loss of a very popular (France-based) pod, Framasphère.

Seems like many original developers and users are pitching in with thoughts, memories, suggestions, hopes… Some focus on the stresses of the project (including a suicide) and the history of “spinoffs” and debates within the core communities over time. And the ultimate realization that there is a critical turning (or re-commitment) point where some are wondering if things are salvageable, or a failure. Coincidentally, a new app development allowing portability of content to a new pod. All coinciding… And at the same time “here”, (diasp.org) a new direction/model for supporting the financial cost…

OK, Voilà:

Good evening everyone, diaspora friends *

I am speaking in particular to Framasphère users who see their pod closed, but not only because we are all concerned here. This is the future of the diaspora *.

Framasoft had planned from the start of its “disgusting internet” campaign not to maintain the services offered ad vitam æternam, but, we must be honest, the very slow dynamics of the diaspora* project did not help to want to keep Framasphère open.

The software is stable, it works well, and it is used by thousands of people every day. But only a handful of people really get involved in it and as a result, it moves extremely slowly.

We are at a crucial time for the project, just like roughly 9 years ago, on August 27, 2012, when the founders of Diaspora* announced that they would stop working on the project and left it in the hands of the community. Diaspora* could have disappeared at that time, but its users believed in it and took over brilliantly.

I remember how we released diaspora less than a year later, which for the first time allowed you to preview your posts before posting:


What roads we travelled ever since!

But free software only lives on its community. So, if you enjoy diaspora , if you want this project to continue to exist, **get involved*.

You will tell me that you do not know how to code. I would tell you that there are dozens of other ways to contribute. (Page in English) The very first, and most important, is to believe in it and show it off! (Get excited, our American friends would say.).

@ramil_rodaje@joindiaspora.com has been the perfect example for years, always posting little creations like these:
[Graphics, “thank you diaspora*”, devos, etc ]

These are the kinds of messages that motivate developers and podmins to continue to be involved at length in making the network possible.

With the closure of Framasphère, we are back at a pivotal moment for the project. We can let it die, or we can realize how essential a trading space that is not controlled by a multinational corporation is.

What is your choice ?

Tomorrow, I will tell you more about what you can do concretely. Help is needed to test the migration, for the release of version 0.8, for the new foundation website, and to maintain #diaspora-fr, among others.

#diaspora #diaspora-dev #diaspora0800 #framasphere #community #logiciellibre #internetlibre #socialmedia #Fediverse


Nous sommes le futur de diaspora*

Bonsoir à tous, ami(e)s de diaspora*

Je m'adresse en particulier aux utilisateurs de Framasphère qui voient leur pod fermer, mais pas seulement car nous sommes tous concernés ici. Il s'agit du futur de diaspora*.

Framasoft avait prévu dès le début de sa campagne dégooglisons internet de ne pas maintenir ad vitam æternam les services proposés, mais, il faut être honnête, la dynamique très ralenti du projet diaspora* n'a pas aidé à vouloir garder ouvert Framasphère.

Le logiciel est stable, il fonctionne bien et il est utilisé par des milliers de personnes chaque jour. Mais seule une poignée de personnes s'implique réellement dedans et en conséquence, il évolue extrêmement lentement.

Nous sommes à un moment crucial pour le projet, tout comme il y a à peu près 9 ans, le 27 août 2012, quand les fondateurs de diaspora* ont annoncé arrêter de travailler sur le projet et l'ont laissé aux mains de la communauté. Diaspora* aurait pu disparaître à ce moment là, mais ses utilisateurs y croyaient et ont pris le relai avec brio.

Je me souviens comment nous avons sorti diaspora moins d'un an après, qui permettait pour la première fois de prévisualiser ses messages avant de les poster :

Capture d'écran de la fonctionnalité de prévisualisation des messages dans diaspora

Ou encore de publier des photos depuis la version mobile :

Capture d'écran de la publication depuis un mobile dans diaspora
Oui, l'interface ressemblait réellement à ça il y a 8 ans.

Que de chemin parcouru depuis !

Mais un logiciel libre ne vit que par sa communauté. Alors, si vous appréciez diaspora*, si vous voulez que ce projet continue d'exister, impliquez-vous.

Vous me répondrez que vous ne savez pas coder. Je vous répondrais qu'il y a des dizaines d'autres façons de contribuer (page en anglais). La toute première, et la plus importante, c'est d'y croire et de l'afficher ! (Get excited diraient nos amis américains)

@ramil_rodaje@diasp.org a été le parfait exemple depuis des années, postant toujours des petites créations comme celles-ci :

Ce sont ce genre de messages qui motivent les développeurs et les podmins à continuer de s'impliquer longuement pour permettre au réseau d'exister.

Avec la fermeture de Framasphère, nous revoici à un moment charnière pour le projet. Nous pouvons le laisser mourir, ou nous pouvons réaliser à quel point un espace d'échange qui n'est pas contrôlé par une multinationale est essentiel.

Quel est votre choix ?

Demain, je vous en dis plus sur ce que vous pouvez faire concrètement. Il y a besoin d'aide pour tester la migration, pour la sortie de la version 0.8, pour le nouveau site web de la fondation, et pour maintenir #diaspora-fr, entre autres.

#diaspora #diaspora-dev #diaspora0800 #framasphere #communauté #logiciellibre #internetlibre


Among the changes planed for the next major version of diaspora* (, there is the cleaning of the federation protocol. A huge work has been done by @supertux@nerdpol.ch to improve the protocol during the past years. As always when you are changing things which allow software to communicate, and when those software are already used live on the internet, you need to go step by step. So, in diaspora*, the federation was able to understand both the old and the new type of messages, but was still sending the old one, as the pods which were running 0.5.x were not able to understand new messages. One year later, podmins all upgraded to 0.6.x and with, diaspora* started to send the new messages, but was still able to understand old messages (because that's what is sent by 0.6.x, remember). Now, with, no pods are still on 0.6.x so we can remove the handling of the old messages. That took time, but this is the finale step of that deep migration!

If you are curious, you can see the last commits merged on diaspora_federation, the ruby gem handling the federation protocol. It just reached exactly 1.000 commits since its creation!

Once again, a huge thank you to Benjamin, and everyone involved.

#diaspora0800 #diaspora-dev #diaspora


So, as @podmin@societas.online motivated me again to contribute to #diaspora, here I am. And here is my TODO list...
- Review all the open pull requests and see which ones can be integrated
- Answer the support on #Framasphere
- Upgrade #framasphere to, I still didn't do that
- Update Ubuntu on #diaspora-fr
- Fix some trivial bugs to put myself back in diaspora code
- Draw some mockups of the UI for pod migration and post them on discourse
- Actually implement the mockups with HTML
- See with Thorsten how we make them live
- Start thinking about the next major release, in case they are long term things to do
- Post about what I'm doing to show people that diaspora* isn't dead \o/



Today I handed in a PR to #diaspora that allows a #podmin to take contact to its users.

On my pod I found it very useful to send a short message out to my user if something is going on or to clarify any report or whatever. To the podmins out there: make a review to this, if you like / dislike this feature to have on your pod.
#diaspora-dev #podmins



Bonsoir tout le monde,

Vous avez pu le constater, le développement de diaspora* stagne ces derniers temps. Cela est principalement dû à un manque de temps de la part de l'équipe "core" derrière diaspora*.
C'est pour ca qu'il y a quelques temps, j'avais posé la question "Êtes-vous prêt à donner un peu d'argent pour aider le développement de diaspora* ?" (message que je n'ai malheureusement jamais pris le temps de traduire en francais, désolé !). Il expliquait que potentiellement, une donation mensuelle permettrait de dégager du temps à un des mainteneurs pour mieux faire tourner le projet.

Bonne nouvelle ! @denschub@pod.geraspora.de s'est lancé et a mis en place un patreon où vous pouvez donner mensuellement pour lui permettre de travailler sur diaspora* !

Donc, si vous voulez que diaspora* avance plus vite, vous savez ce qu'il vous reste à faire ;)

#diaspora #diaspora-dev #patreon #contribute


So, it was suggested I use this tag to contact the developers. Is there any way to block a hashtag? Or is this something that might be in the works?

This was prompted by the fact that in following the 'history' hastag, I noticed a significant number of posts also flagged with 'hoax' or 'conspiracy' and I don't really need to spend my time reading conspiracy theories. But I suppose it could also be useful for someone who just doesn't want to see things on certain topics, even if posted by people they are following.


Are you willing to contribute some money to help diaspora*s development?

Hey awesome diaspora* community! Today I'm asking you a very special question. At the moment, the development speed of the diaspora* project is quite slow. It looks like this is not only because not many people are interested in contributing to diaspora*, but also because the volunteers who compose the core team don't have enough time to do the review work needed, adding more delays to everything.

The core team is doing all lot of background work. They maintain all the official services: the website, the HQ pod, our Discourse and the wiki. They do the sysadmin job of installing and keeping those services up to date, but they also are the moderators who fight spam. They answer many questions and help developers, podmins, and users. They do the release management and push out new versions of diaspora*. But most important of all, they are the ones doing the final reviews, the very important task of checking the code submitted by other contributors, helping them improve the code, and then integrate it inside diaspora* for everyone.

This is a lot of work, and even if it is less visible than new features, this work is critical because if it is not done, the project is stuck.

We unfortunately reached a point where the limited time of the core team as volunteers slows down the diaspora* development. Two very important features, the accounts migration and the API, are waiting for a review for several weeks while the core team currently is busy with all the tasks listed above, as well as other tasks like the creation of a new official website. To go forward, the diaspora* project needs someone from the core team to be dedicating more time to these diaspora* background jobs at least a couple of hours per month more.

So, to the important question...

If a diaspora* core team member would set up a Patreon or something similar that allows them to fund more time to do the maintenance and review work, would you contribute to that fund?

A big warning here: This is not about paying someone to be able to decide what they will be working on. There is BountySource if you want to support the development of specific features with money. This is about allowing someone to have some dedicated time to work on the maintenance tasks of the diaspora* project, mainly reviews. This core developer will be the one who will choose how they will spend their time, most of the time. But as the core team members are the ones who are the most aware of what's going on with the project, I think we can trust them to do the best choices to improve diaspora* development speed.

So, would you give a few bucks monthly? I would totally do!

#diaspora #diaspora-dev #contribute #donate