November 6, 2024: The axis of good is falling apart on both sides of the pond.

This morning, #Germany woke up and saw how the US administration, which did not want a proxy war to the detriment of Europe to end, during which time the largest attack on German infrastructure took place and did not clear up the facts - or even got involved itself? -was voted out of office. And this - according to American standards - with trumpets and trumpets.

And on the evening of the same day, the #Berlin coalition finally fell apart after a long period of suffering. After Christian #Lindner tried to persuade the Federal Chancellor to call new elections in the coalition committee, the latter dismissed the Finance Minister. Shortly afterwards, Olaf #Scholz appeared before the press. His statement was peppered with self-righteousness and phrases. He addressed the citizens as a chancellor with a clear conscience. No chancellor had ever shown so much small-mindedness before.

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