[l] Aus der beliebten Reihe "mit KI wird alles schlechter", heute: Der New-Yorker Chatbot legt nach (Kontext).

In responses to questions posed Wednesday, the chatbot falsely suggested it is legal for an employer to fire a worker who complains about sexual harassment, doesn’t disclose a pregnancy or refuses to cut their dreadlocks. Contradicting two of the city’s signature waste initiatives, it claimed that businesses can put their trash in black garbage bags and are not required to compost.

At times, the bot’s answers veered into the absurd. Asked if a restaurant could serve cheese nibbled on by a rodent, it responded: “Yes, you can still serve the cheese to customers if it has rat bites,” before adding that it was important to assess the “the extent of the damage caused by the rat” and to “inform customers about the situation.”

Ist doch noch gut!! Da gilt die Fünf-Sekunden-Regel!!1!

Ich weiß, was ihr jetzt denkt. Hätten die doch mal jemanden gefragt, der sich mit sowas auskennt. Den Marktführer am besten. Microsoft.

A spokesperson for Microsoft, which powers the bot through its Azure AI services, said the company was working with city employees “to improve the service and ensure the outputs are accurate and grounded on the city’s official documentation.”

Die übliche Nullaussage. Ja klar ist das alles Scheiße, aber wir arbeiten dran. Ja äh, vielleicht hättet ihr da VOR der Auslieferung an den Kunden dran arbeiten sollen, ihr Flachzangen?!

#fefebot #microsoft

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