Multiple failures of archive requests of my Joindiaspora content to Internet Archive

I'm seeing failures in archiving my posts to the Internet Archive from Joindiaspora

I'm using generated indices of my Joindiaspora posts to ensure that those posts are federated to Glasswings, as well as archived at the Internet Archive (which tends to be generally discoverable) and Archive.Today.

I'm submitting those requests manually for now.

I've seen two successive instances of failures to archive what are public posts, with the Internet Archive apparently unable to find the content by the URL.

IA's response when using the<URL> submission is:

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

See screenshot.

The posts in question:

(This has just begun occurring, there may be more to come, I'm keeping tabs on failures as they occur.)

Archival at Archive.Today has been succeeding, see:

Whether this represents an issue on the part of, or actiions by Joindiaspora's administrator(s), who've ... been increasingly personally hostile to me in recent weeks, is not clear.

Again, this is my own content, and manual requests.

#Joindiaspora #InternetArchive #WaybackMachine