Here is (IMO) and excellent summary of the last 2-3 years, culminating in the spectacular exit of the USA from being "the world's police" - first in #Afghanistan, and currently in Ukraine:

first, Covid:

The #Covid-19 story is blowing up, and in a very ugly way for the American people. The news is finally wriggling free of our combined news media / social media #censorship machine and that news is as follows: Covid-19 was a trip laid on the world to get rid of the irascible Mr. #Trump and usher-in a system of digital social controls. The #mRNA#vaccines” were all patented and ready to go before the virus even took off. The mRNA “vaccines” turned out to be ineffective and arguably more damaging than the Covid-19 virus. That last bit of news is now coming out in reports from the life insurance and funeral industries, which are showing an alarming increase in all-causes death, especially in people under 60 years of age.

now Ukraine:

The #Russian aim is to neutralize #Ukraine’s #military capability — the means for harassing the eastern provinces known as the #Donbas. That has been accomplished. Ukraine no longer has an air force, a navy, or a whole lot of weapons and munitions. It is surely in Russia’s interest to complete this operation in as few days as possible to minimize harm to civilian lives and property. The Ukrainians appear to understand that, too. The politicians and NGO organizations groomed by #American sponsorship in Ukraine will be deactivated, relieved of their responsibilities, and put out of business. If Mr. #Putin is prudent, he will not murder or persecute them. A regime friendly to #Russia will eventually be installed. Keep in mind, Ukraine had been a province of Russia one way or another for more than two hundred years — except for the calamitous past thirty years — and Ukraine doesn’t really represent much more than an administrative and fiscal challenge. Russia’s ultimate interest in this matter is to stabilize its border.

the whole article is very good - about a 3 minute read.



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