

Putin used then-President Trump's animus toward Ukraine to undermine US support, NYT reports

Donald Trump asked Russian President Vladimir #Putin for advice when deciding on whether to send arms to Ukraine early during his presidency in 2017, the New York Times (NYT) reported on Oct. 5, citing undisclosed U.S. officials.

Trump allegedly asked Putin what he thought about the possibility of sending U.S. #weapons to #Ukraine, which was at the time fighting Russian and Russian proxy forces in the eastern region of #Donbas.

The #Russian president responded it would be a "mistake," forcing Trump's team to come up with ways to "change the president's mind on Ukraine" after the meeting, according to the outlet.


#StopRussianAggression #disinformation #propaganda #traitor #TraitorTrump


Ukraine: Schwerste russische Angriffe im Donbas

Ukraine - Aktuelle Lage im Angriffskrieg Russlands

Russland setzt seine massiven Raketenangriffe auf ukrainische Städte und Dörfer fort. Viele Tote gab es in der Region Charkiw, wo weitere Kämpfe drohen.#KRIEG #RUSSLAND #UKRAINE #Donbas #Raketen #TOTE #Charkiw
Ukraine: Schwerste russische Angriffe im Donbas


Ukraine residents build mini cities underground as war continues | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

The remaining residents of a southern Ukrainian town have built mini cities inside inter-connected basements to escape fighting in the region.Subscribe to ou...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #bombshelters #donbas #easternukraine #kherson #latestnews #newsheadlines #russia-ukrainewar #ukrainewar #zelenskiy
Ukraine residents build mini cities underground as war continues | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


‘Frieden schaffen mit Waffen’ ist ein Ansatz, dessen Ausführung zu mehr Gewalt, Unterdrückung oder Vernichtung führt.
‘Building peace with weapons’ is an approach whose execution leads to more violence, oppression or destruction.
#Donbas: #ICC
!Some parts in the video includes potentially sensitive content!


"Wir sterben lieber frei als versklavt" - eine ukrainische Familiengeschichte | DW | 24.02.2023

Freiheitsliebende Donkosaken, ein Land, dessen Boden blutgetränkt ist, und eine Familie, die unter verschiedenen Herrschern zu überleben versucht. "Aleksandra" von Lisa Weeda zeichnet ein Jahrhundertpanorama der Ukraine.#Ukraine #Aleksandra #LisaWeeda #Donbas #Putin #Krieg
"Wir sterben lieber frei als versklavt" - eine ukrainische Familiengeschichte | DW | 24.02.2023


The Buildup To War In Ukraine - Friday, February 18, 2022

The #Buildup To #War In #Ukraine - #Friday , #February #18 #2022 #Russia #Donbas

"On February 18 2022, a Friday, Russia voiced alarm over the sharp increase in shelling in Donbas:

MOSCOW (Reuters) -Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced alarm on Friday over a sharp increase in shelling in eastern Ukraine and accused the #OSCE special monitoring mission of glossing over what he said were Ukrainian violations of the peace process.
Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists have been fighting in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine since #2014 in a conflict that Kyiv says has claimed some 15,000 lives.
Washington and its allies have raised fears that the upsurge in violence in the Donbass could form part of a Russian pretext to invade Ukraine. Tensions are already high over a Russian military buildup to the north, east and south of Ukraine."



The “conflict”, i.e. the armed invasion, started in southern #Ukraine when the Russian #army occupied #Crimea in February 2014. The Russian-inspired separatist #uprising in the east started later, in about a month.
It was clear to us from the beginning that Russia could not do any good in Ukraine. By 2014, a reactionary authoritarian regime had already been established in #Russia that denied all individual and social rights and brutally persecuted and destroyed all independent activity. Of course, we still have many questions about the Ukrainian state and the ruling class in Ukraine. But at least the anarchist movement, the socialist movement in Ukraine was able to operate relatively freely for some years. It suffices to say that throughout the existence of the independent Ukrainian state, there has not been a single political anarchist prisoner here. At the same time, many dozens of our comrades in Russia ended up in Russian prisons – guilty solely for their anarchist convictions. So, we were well aware of what #Putin did for libertarian ideas.
The #RKAS reaction was therefore irreversible: it was necessary to resist the Russian attack by all means.

https://freedomnews.org.uk/2022/10/04/leftists-outside-ukraine-are-used-to-listening-only-to-people-from-moscow-interview-with-rkas-anarcho-syndicalists-in-eastern-ukraine/ #history #war #anarchism #labour #donbas #chechnya #zaporizhzhya #kherson #left #georgia #moldova


Moscow-held regions of Ukraine are voting on whether to become part of Russia, in referendums that Kyiv and its allies have condemned as an unlawful land grab.

It is like a scene from the old colonial stories. The fight for Donbas is more than politics. It generates close to 60% of #Ukraine's GDP and no matter who lives there, Ukraine can't afford losing it.

The situation in #Donbas is very similar to #Kurdistan, divided and given to one republik rather than keeping them together and #independent.

The Russian annexation is wrong, so is Ukraine attack to force them to give up their rights.

But sadly, no one will dare saying that these days. You can only be #Putin supporter or join the Hollywood team of #Zelensky. Nothing in between can be tolerated.
#Politic #Russia #UkraineWar #Economy



Was Putin mit den Scheinreferenden in der Ukraine erreichen will | DW | 21.09.2022

Die von Russland besetzten Gebiete im Osten und Süden der Ukraine sollen per Scheinreferenden angeschlossen werden. Der Vorgang erinnert an die Annexion der Krim 2014, doch es gibt auch Unterschiede.#RusslandsKrieggegendieUkraine #Donbas #Donezk #Luhansk #Referendum #Cherson #Putin
Was Putin mit den Scheinreferenden in der Ukraine erreichen will | DW | 21.09.2022


Was Putin mit den Scheinreferenden in der Ukraine erreichen will | DW | 21.09.2022

Die von Russland besetzten Gebiete im Osten und Süden der Ukraine sollen per Scheinreferenden angeschlossen werden. Der Vorgang erinnert an die Annexion der Krim 2014, doch es gibt auch Unterschiede.#RusslandsKrieggegendieUkraine #Donbas #Donezk #Luhansk #Referendum #Cherson #Putin
Was Putin mit den Scheinreferenden in der Ukraine erreichen will | DW | 21.09.2022


Forty days after the unexplained explosion at the #Olenivka #prison in Russian-occupied #Donbas that killed over 50 Ukrainian prisoners of #war, the families of the defenders of #Mariupol and of the Azovstal Steelworks imprisoned by the Russians, have still not been told how many men were killed, and whether their loved ones were among them. #Russia is continuing to violate international law by preventing the International Committee of the Red Cross [ #ICRC] from visiting the site and speaking with surviving POWs. While more movement on a UN fact-finding mission has been announced, there is nothing to suggest that this equates to actual progress. On 3 August, #UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced plans for a fact-finding mission, saying that an independent investigation had been requested by both #Ukraine and Russia. On 22 August, we even learned the make-up of such a mission and the members’ credentials, however it was also reported that the UN believed the situation around the prison was too dangerous for such a trip to be undertaken.

It is difficult to see how reporting such illusory progress can help anyone but those responsible for the attack, and during their press conference on 6 September, the relatives of #Azovstal defenders imprisoned at Olenivka expressed frustration at the impotence of international bodies. Such lack of any progress makes it clear that all the POWs are in grave danger, and they demanded that more effective methods be applied to secure their release before it is too late.

https://khpg.org/en/1608811125 #uno #pmc #wagner #fsb #military


Wie hoch sind die menschlichen Verluste auf Seiten Russlands? Offizielle Zahlen zu Gefallenen in der „Spezialoperation“, die in #Russland von Gesetz wegen nicht als #Krieg bezeichnet werden darf, werden seit März nicht mehr veröffentlicht. Doch Schätzungen zufolge sind etwa 80.000 russische Soldaten im russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine verwundet oder getötet worden. In den Straßen größerer russischer Städte wirbt derweil das private Militärunternehmen TschWK #Wagner mit Plakaten um neue Söldner. Einige Söldnertruppen bestehen laut Recherche der Novaya Gazeta Europe zu etwa einem Drittel aus verurteilten Straftätern und Vorbestraften, manche Rekrutierer versprechen den Bewerbern Straferlass.
Diese „verdeckte Mobilisierung“, so schreibt die Novaya Gazeta Europe, laufe auf vollen Touren. Die weiterhin im Land arbeitenden Korrespondenten der Zeitung haben dazu verdeckt recherchiert und auch mit #Militär|experten gesprochen, um herauszufinden, wie die Rekrutierung funktioniert und welche Ausbildung die Söldner bekommen, bevor es an die Front geht. In ihrer umfangreichen Recherche gibt die Novaya detailliert Einblick in ein „zynisches und unmenschliches System“ der Söldneranwerbung in Russland.

https://www.dekoder.org/de/article/rekrutierung-soeldner-armee-ukraine-krieg #fsb #gefängnis #kadyrow #butscha #pmc #donbas #belarus #nazis #tschetschenien #russitsch



The daughter of an ultranationalist Russian ideologue often referred to as “Putin’s brain” has been killed in a car bomb on the outskirts of #Moscow, according to Russia’s investigative committee.
Darya Dugina, whose father is the Russian political commentator Alexander #Dugin, died when the Toyota Land Cruiser she was driving was ripped apart by a powerful explosion about 12 miles (20km) west of the capital near the village of Bolshiye Vyazemy at about 9.30pm local time (1930 BST), according to investigators.
Witnesses said debris was thrown all over the road as the car was engulfed in flames before crashing into a fence.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/21/daughter-of-putin-ally-alexander-dugin-killed-in-car-bomb-in-moscow-reports #russia #war #donbas #ukraine #terror


Die bedrohliche Lage im russisch besetzten Kernkraftwerk #Saporischschja in der Ukraine hat am Donnerstag den #Sicherheit|srat der Vereinten Nationen in #NewYork beschäftigt. Zwar stelle das mehrfach beschossene größte Kernkraftwerk Europas derzeit kein Sicherheitsrisiko dar, berichtete der Leiter der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde ( #IAEA), Rafael Grossi. „Dies kann sich jedoch jederzeit ändern.“ #Russland|s #UN -Botschafter Wassili Nebensja lehnte bei der Dringlichkeitssitzung die Forderung nach einem Abzug der Truppen ab. Er sagte aber russische Unterstützung für den Besuch einer internationalen Expertenkommission in dem AKW zu.
In #Kiew forderte der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr #Selenskyj einen sofortigen Abzug der russischen Truppen aus dem Werk und warf #Moskau „nukleare Erpressung“ vor. „Niemand sonst hat ein Atomkraftwerk so offensichtlich benutzt, um die ganze Welt zu bedrohen und Bedingungen zu stellen“, sagte Selenskyj in seiner abendlichen Videoansprache.

https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/ukraine-krieg-und-akw-saporischschja-kernkraftwerk-auf-dem-schlachtfeld-18238776.html #akw #krieg #donbas #ukraine



#russia #war #ukraine #donbas #fsb #police #military #history