#quote from #pa " #ClimateChange" (AKA " #GlobalWarming ")... is it a #scam?
The scariest part of the 'alarmist' mantra is a complete disregard for facts by ‘climate scientists.’
Consider that outside the atmosphere, the sun's energy is 1300 W / sq meter, whereas at sea level, inside that 'toasty' atmosphere it is only 1000 W/ sq meter. 30% was reflected back by the 'heat trapping' atmosphere. In fact, the atmosphere keeps Earth cooler than nearby bodies in a vacuum.

  • - - TEMPERATURE DATA - - - ● #Earth max : 56.85°C (134.33°F) ● #Space station max : 121°C (250°F) ● #Lunar surface max : 116.8°C (242.33°F)

Zero atmosphere = higher maximum temperature
#How does a “heat trapping” atmosphere stay colder?

And if heat was being 'trapped,' why hasn't the maximum temperature gone up to a new record level? All they can claim is that the “average” is going up. Yeah, right.

Is the “Greenhouse effect” like a refrigerator “trapping heat”?

There is no "heating up" or trapping of heat by the atmosphere when it is COOLING the planet. And since there is no conduction nor convection of heat in a vacuum, that leaves RADIATION. The atmosphere is radiating / reflecting back energy, that COOLS the planet.

More Facts in support - - -
Earth Albedo : 0.3
Moon Albedo : 0.11

ALBEDO - The fraction of incident electromagnetic radiation reflected by a surface, especially of a celestial body.

Coincidentally, the greenhouse gases have a higher emissivity that means they COOL the planet even more. And the #1 greenhouse gas is water vapor, which has a far greater effect than trace gases like CO2 or methane.. . .

Now, let me lead you to a KARBONITE SITE:
... "A tiny amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, like methane and water vapour, keep the Earth's surface 30°Celsius (54°F) warmer than it would be without them.”
WAIT - the Earth with ‘heat trapping’ atmosphere is at least 108° F (59.95°C) cooler than the Moon without an atmosphere (242-134F). And they are claiming that trace gases are keeping Earth’s surface 30°Celsius (54°F) warmer despite the atmosphere keeping us 116°F cooler than the Space Station right outside of Earth’s atmosphere (250-134F).

Too confusing?
=> Zero atmosphere = 250°F (space station)
=> Atmosphere w/ CO2 = 134°F (Earth surface)
. . . .but the Karbonites are claiming. . . .
=> Atmosphere w/o CO2 = peak 80°F (134 - 54)


just a way to get their #world #dictatorship #sailing #NWO NO WAY

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