#jimlee #climateviewer attacked by #dutchsinse what a story
people are really horrible to each other
The #NEXRAD #Doppler #Radar #HOAX - PART 2
#jimlee #climateviewer attacked by #dutchsinse what a story
people are really horrible to each other
The #NEXRAD #Doppler #Radar #HOAX - PART 2
Jews are about to start building a new #temple in #Jerusalem, the first since 70 AD. They reckon they have to knock down the glorious Al-Asqa mosque because that is exactly where their new Temple has to be. However that was not the site of their ancient temple: which existed within the ancient walled City of David.
Due north of that is the so-called Temple Mount, which had no temple on it because it was built as a #Roman fortress.
No God will answer the one million prayers stuck into the cracks of the Wailing Wall every year – it’s just the side of what was once Fort Antonia.
This talk will call for a #worldwide campaign to help Jews remember where their #ancient Temple was, and thereby #avoid #WW3.
NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM, Ph.D., ex-academic and ‘conspiracy theorist,’ has co-run London post-9/11 discussion group for ten years which meets monthly, for which he receives periodic ethical damnation. He has written the only #911 truth book to be banned by Amazon: Who Did 9/11? (2019).
Long ago, in a previous lifetime, he was invited to contribute the ‘Isaac Newton’ entry to the prestigious Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. His book on the London 7/7 subway bombings, Terror on the Tube (3rd ed., 2011), remains more or less the only book on the subject–which is strange, given the dozens of books about 9/11. His latest publication is The Great British #Coronavirus #Hoax. See article concerning material in that book at James Fetzer website
Jews are about to start building a new #temple in #Jerusalem, the first since 70 AD. They reckon they have to knock down the glorious Al-Asqa mosque because that is exactly where their new Temple has to be. However that was not the site of their ancient temple: which existed within the ancient walled City of David.
Due north of that is the so-called Temple Mount, which had no temple on it because it was built as a #Roman fortress.
No God will answer the one million prayers stuck into the cracks of the Wailing Wall every year – it’s just the side of what was once Fort Antonia.
This talk will call for a #worldwide campaign to help Jews remember where their #ancient Temple was, and thereby #avoid #WW3.
NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM, Ph.D., ex-academic and ‘conspiracy theorist,’ has co-run London post-9/11 discussion group for ten years which meets monthly, for which he receives periodic ethical damnation. He has written the only #911 truth book to be banned by Amazon: Who Did 9/11? (2019).
Long ago, in a previous lifetime, he was invited to contribute the ‘Isaac Newton’ entry to the prestigious Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. His book on the London 7/7 subway bombings, Terror on the Tube (3rd ed., 2011), remains more or less the only book on the subject–which is strange, given the dozens of books about 9/11. His latest publication is The Great British #Coronavirus #Hoax. See article concerning material in that book at James Fetzer website
Im 198. Special bei den WildMics hatten wir die »einfache« Idee den Begriff »konservativ« im politischen Kontext zu beschreiben. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur
Konservatismus: Was bedeutet konservativ?
Im 189. WildMics-Special wollten wir uns über den aktuellen Stand der Elektromobilität informieren. 🎙️#Elektromobilität #Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #ErdeUmwelt #ITTech
HOAXILLA: Elektromobilität
This data is public and easy to grasp based on growing death rates among the injected. Cleveland Clinic data showing no increase in risk among the unvaccinated also shows based on each vaccine, how much higher the risk climbs. 1 jab robs 30 year old men of 13 years. 2 jabs robs 30 year old men of 18 years. 3 jabs robs 30 year old men of 20 years. 4 jabs robs 30 year old men of 23 years. 5 jabs robs 30 year old men of 24 years. This rate is set to climb dramatically as yearly excess deaths among the injected get higher with each year-end count. This means, the more time goes by, even if you haven't gotten further injections, the risk of death goes up dramatically. This includes cancer, myocarditis, stroke as well as auto-immune disorders that lead to deadly ailments like shingles (which are currently being blamed on Monkeypox) and pneumonia. This is a crime against humanity and the studies seem to pour in by the day. A new bombshell court order has the FDA admitting to putting graphene oxide in the covid vaccines which for years they claimed was a conspiracy theory. It's right there on paper. Meanwhile, the state of Kansas is suing Pfizer for misleading the public about the risks of the covid injections. Pfizer has lost past cases regarding misleading the public but the lawsuits continue to build up. Will there be any actual justice? Not likely via basic lawsuits. Covid Czar Dr. Jay Varma was caught on camera recently claiming he was the one that convinced the #government to #lockdown and bring in vaccine mandates and that they were meant to "force vaccination" by making the public uncomfortable and discriminated against among social groups. Something that the government has continuously denied in the past, claiming "no one forced you to get injected." Varma also claimed that he had crazy secret sex parties while everyone was locked down. The evil just continues to present itself. Of course all of this is part of the same agenda to force the world into a transhumanist, technocratic wasteland of "convenience" and tyranny. From nano-technology in the vaccines to CBDCs and digital IDs, from social credit and carbon credits to food rations and the #Bird #Flu #hoax, from World #War 3 to Civil War. We are being corralled and #humanity is #under #attack.
Im 188. WildMics-Special haben wir uns zum dritten Mal der Die Drei-Wünsche-Herausforderung gestellt. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Die Drei-Wünsche-Herausforderung #03
Ende der 1960er Jahre wurde bei der Betrachtung der Nachkommen von Holocaust-Überlebenden das Konzept der inter- oder transgenerationalen Traumatisierung eingeführt. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Transgenerationale Traumata
Zusammen mit Ralf Grabuschnik vom Déjà-vu Geschichte Podcast haben wir uns mit dem sagenumwobenen Kaiser Friedrich I., Barbarossa beschäftigt. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Hoaxilla #346 – Barbarossa
Im 187. WildMics-Special warfen wir einen Blick auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen im US-amerikanischen Wahlkampf. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Hoffnung für die USA (und die Welt?)
Was ist in den sozialen Netzwerken erlaubt, was geht nicht? 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Recht im Netz
Im 185. WildMics-Special haben wir uns gefragt: Woher kommt eigentlich der Nationalismus? 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Eine kleine Geschichte des Nationalismus
Im 185. WildMics-Special haben wir uns gefragt: Woher kommt eigentlich der Nationalismus? 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: WildMics Special #185 – Eine kleine Geschichte des Nationalismus
Im 184. WildMics-Special warfen wir den Blick auf neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Krebstherapien. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Neue Krebstherapien
Im 183. WildMics-Special haben wir uns erneut der drei Wünsche Herausforderung gestellt. 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur #ErdeUmwelt #Medizin
HOAXILLA: Die drei Wünsche Herausforderung
#bbc are so #evil , why is it that they hate us so much ?
#Southport #Hoax: Teenage ‘Stabber’ Is An #Actor
Im 177. WildMics-Special sprachen wir zum zweiten Mal über die anstehende Wahl des europäischen Parlaments. Welche Rolle kann die EU in einer zukünftigen Welt spielen, wenn andere große Demokratien zu scheitern drohen? Zudem berichtete Marcello direkt vom Prozess der AFD gegen die BRD in Münster, der am 07.05.2024 zu Ende ging. Darüber sprachen wir mit Nana Walzer, Katharina Nocun und Marcello Orlik. Diese Sendung wurde am 07.05.2024 … 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur
HOAXILLA: Europawahl Spezial
Im 177. WildMics-Special sprachen wir zum zweiten Mal über die anstehende Wahl des europäischen Parlaments. Welche Rolle kann die EU in einer zukünftigen Welt spielen, wenn andere große Demokratien zu scheitern drohen? Zudem berichtete Marcello direkt vom Prozess der AFD gegen die BRD in Münster, der am 07.05.2024 zu Ende ging. Darüber sprachen wir mit Nana Walzer, Katharina Nocun und Marcello Orlik. Diese Sendung wurde am 07.05.2024 … 🎙️#Wissenschaft&Medizin #Bildung #Gesellschaft&Kultur #Skeptiker #ModerneSagen #Legende #Mythen #Mythos #Hoax #Sagen #UrbanLegends #Hamburg #Kultur
HOAXILLA: WildMics Special #177 – Europawahl Spezial #02