:: 46-041 [NX] Notes of a Sage ::
(Failed attempt at non-chibi, lol.)

So, we know what Jayden's been up to, and what Annie & Matsuri are doing... but what about the rest of the main team? What happened to the infamous Professor 'Sage Williams' and the legendary wayfarer, Simon Alexander?

46-041 [NX] Notes of a Sage by Early Onion.jpg

You see... Not too long after everyone settled down, those two were the first to leave the camp and of course, without authorisation. Supposedly, they left together, but parted ways later on. 'Sage' had gone south to the dry plains of Vista, holing up in one of the many caves there; while Simon just wanted to travel, and anywhere will do as long as it wasn't Silverya (where the camp's at).

Today, however, he decides to visit 'Sage', going from one cave to another until he finds one that looked like someone lived there. He announces his presence, but receives no reply. He enters and walks further inside the cave, only to see that no one is in. Without second thoughts, he glances through 'Sage's notes. They were either pierced onto wall bumps that was filed down to become stubs or hooks, or on twigs of any plants within reach.

On one of the paper he reads is actually a note to 'Sage' left for him: "One could wait years for a possibility to safely come home, or one could gamble it all and do this now. —SW" Beneath the message are numbers a seasoned traveller like him definitely understands. Most likely, this is the location or probable portals...

...and most likely, it will lead him back to Sigma.

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