Congress is trying to pass a bill that will ban encryption.

Protect Encryption and Security Online: REJECT the Graham-Blumenthal Bill

EARN IT Act (S. 3398)    Read the Bill, then call your congressperson and object to it.


There is an interactive option on the linked page where you can look up your representative’s telephone and address by entering your state and zip code. Please use it The bill purports to deal with the very serious issue of child exploitation online, but it offers no meaningful solutions.
It doesn’t help organizations that support victims.
*It doesn’t equip law enforcement agencies with resources to investigate claims of child exploitation *
It doesn’t include training in how to use online platforms to catch perpetrators.

Rather, the bill’s authors have used defending children as the shrewd pretense for an attack on our free speech and security online. Apple, Inc. has already folded to FBI pressure and no longer encrypts its cloud services. This bill is in that same vein and an obvious attempt to legalize online surveillance of American citizens. That is ridiculous and an invasion of our right to privacy

This is the link to the US Senate where you can find your Senator’s contact info.

Here’s the link to the US Senate
where you can find your Senator’s contact info

Note: If anyone on Diaspora is familiar with this Bill, please share what you know.
Thank you.

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