

The-Federation.info has a new maintainer đŸ„ł

Starting in November 2013 as pods.jasonrobinson.me, later settling on https://the-federation.info, there have been many stages to this site over time. Initially a rather simple #NodeJS app, the frontend was completely overhauled by @{https://mastodon.social/@fla} into the style it is currently. Some years later a complete rewrite was done by myself to the current #Django / #VueJS stack.

After a few years of dropping into lack of maintenance due to lack of time from my part to contribute, the site has now finally found a new maintainer, @{https://chaos.social/@6543}, who is also active in the #Gitea project (which you may or may not know is also working on ActivityPub federation \o/).

The-federation.info is a rather dear project to me, and it makes me happy that it may still have a future with a new maintainer, instead of going into even worse disrepair and eventually shutting down. There is a rewrite planned to fix the horrible scalability issues the site has been suffering from (ever since adding ActivityPub protocol nodes into the mix), if you're interested see this issue.

For those who want to help, there is also the Matrix chat room: #thefederation:federator.dev..

I would also like to thank the various people who have helped maintain data over the years, hopefully you'll stick around to help the site grow in the future too! 💚

#thefederation #federation #fediverse #activitypub #diaspora #matrix


Oh god fucking dammit. I feel like I JUST came to this pod a couple months ago because my last one shut down. I came to this one because it was small, but not too small, and seemed to be run by a tech nerd for a community of tech nerds. I'm mad. I don't know what pod to go to now because I don't want to go to one of the big ones and contribute to centralization of the network.


Would the Diaspora developers ever consider adding support for .WEBM uploads?
Obviously supporting videos would be a hassle most of the time, but .WEBM files are so tiny compared to other formats.
There are plenty of times when a video can be converted into both a .GIF and a .WEBM and the .WEBM is always smaller than the .WEBM.
And since .WEBMs are allowed on Diaspora, why not .WEBM files?
I just converted a bunch of .AVI files to .WEBM and this shit is tiny. It goes from 100MB to like 5.4MB, that's crazy.
#diaspora #diasp #development #developers #video #gif #gifs #webm #video #videos #thefederation


In no particular order, web sites like OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, Archive.Org, Sci-Hub, tools like I2P, Tor, IRC, GPG, OMEMO, OTR, and open and federated protocols like Jabber, Email, Diaspora and ActivityPub are the most important projects on the internet and should be protected and exalted.

#openstreetmap #osm #android #wikipedia #wiki #archive #archive.org #scihub #sci-hub #diaspora #email #jabber #xmpp #activitypub #mastodon #email #freesoftware #internet #thefederation #irc #gpg #pgp #omemo #otr


The EARN IT Act (S.3398) is an attempt to override The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (S230)

Wired: "It’s a Sneak Attack on Encryption--The crypto wars are back in full swing"


American Civil Liberties Union and Americans for Prosperity, joint response:

"EARN IT is an attack on encryption masquerading as a blow against underage porn. measure 
 would lead to a backdoor' in encrypted services, thereby jeopardizing the security of every individual. Technology experts and civil society organizations have repeatedly warned that backdoors could be exploited by bad actors and that no backdoor could guarantee only law-abiding officials have access.”

Media Alliance, a coalition of 25 organizations:

"The bill would fall far short of the goal of protecting children, while at the same time making all Americans less safe and less secure by potentially exposing everyone in society to substantially higher risk from malicious cyber actors, including hostile nation-states.”


"Imagine an Internet where the law required every message sent to be read by government-approved scanning software. Companies that handle such messages wouldn’t be allowed to securely encrypt them, or they’d lose legal protections that allow them to operate.”

––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

I will be posting more on this. It seems there are good reasons for this bill, lake making internet tech companies (faceBook and Google’s YouTube) responsible for the content they allow on their sites. It also allows and people to sue companies for such content. I’m all for that because it’s long past time we brought some balance back into the battle of individual rights vs. corporate rights. However, there are also serious risks to individual privacy and the potential to ban encryption altogether. That means this Bill is a knock on the door to permanent state surveillance.

Below is the first page of S.3398 which provides the purpose of the Bill and the main players who would ve heading the “Committee. We can stop right there. I have some concerns. They are circled in red.

enter image description here

#mywork #earnit #earnitact #earn_it #privacy #child_exploitation#pluspora #friendica #USPolitics #politics
S.3398 #S.230 #eff #encryption #crypto #cryptography #bitcoin #https #apps #diaspora #federation #thefediverse #thefederation #apps #usa #us #government #nsa #privacy #surveillance #1984 #shelenn_ayers @Shelenn Ayres #ProtonMail #Proton


Congress is trying to pass a bill that will ban encryption.

Protect Encryption and Security Online: REJECT the Graham-Blumenthal Bill

EARN IT Act (S. 3398)    Read the Bill, then call your congressperson and object to it.



There is an interactive option on the linked page where you can look up your representative’s telephone and address by entering your state and zip code. Please use it The bill purports to deal with the very serious issue of child exploitation online, but it offers no meaningful solutions.
It doesn’t help organizations that support victims.
*It doesn’t equip law enforcement agencies with resources to investigate claims of child exploitation *
It doesn’t include training in how to use online platforms to catch perpetrators.

Rather, the bill’s authors have used defending children as the shrewd pretense for an attack on our free speech and security online. Apple, Inc. has already folded to FBI pressure and no longer encrypts its cloud services. This bill is in that same vein and an obvious attempt to legalize online surveillance of American citizens. That is ridiculous and an invasion of our right to privacy

This is the link to the US Senate where you can find your Senator’s contact info.

Here’s the link to the US Senate
where you can find your Senator’s contact info

Note: If anyone on Diaspora is familiar with this Bill, please share what you know.
Thank you.

#earnit #earnitact #earn_it #eff #encryption #crypto #cryptography #bitcoin #https #apps #diaspora #federation #thefediverse #thefederation #apps #usa #us #government #nsa #privacy #surveillance #1984 #corona #coronavirus #corona_virus #news #wuhanflu #china #S3398 #surveillance #diaspora #pluspora #us_politics


Beweissicherung bei #Shadowban und/oder/bzw #Zensur

#CSYOU Nr.1 twitter Trend Montag 02/09/19 #trending

Was bisher geschah

"Aktueller" Stand:

Dienstag morgen 03/09 04:26 (am) MEZ
457,810 Ansichten
20,806 Kommentare
2.5 K gefÀllt mir
92 k gefÀllt mir nicht
Kanal Abos 2.5k

Die MĂ€dels und Jungs von ntv Netzreporter bleiben hart am Ball um die Statistiken up to date zu halten:

Und passend zu den Likes gibt's jetzt auch mehr oder weniger plötzlich knapp 400 Abos mehr.
#CSYOU - Stand: 19:47 Uhr.
84.139 Dislikes

@Simonalein ⁜⁜⁜i    lĂ€utete die #Shitstormalarmglocke als erste bereits vor 2 Tagen am 31/8/2019 um 14:36:38 in unseren zensurresistenten dezentralen Netzwerken.

"Fast 8000 Dislikes (zum Zeitpunkt meiner PrĂŒfung) aber nur ein Kommentar - da wird wohl heftig moderiert"

  • 1/2 Stunde spĂ€ter meldet sich private Pirate @Ravenbird als erster im Feldlager
  • 6 Minuten danach beginnt private Pirate @Mario P. das erste Beweismaterial zu sichern
  • 21 Minuten darauf sekundiert private Pirate @Rainer &quot;diaspora&quot; Sokoll
  • 7 Stunden und 54 Minuten spĂ€ter erblickt der hashtag #catchTheAlgo das erste mal auf twitter das Licht der Welt
  • geschlagene 9 Stunden und 27 Minuten spĂ€ter macht private hincha pelota @mÊ•â€ąï»Œâ€ąÊ”m jeSuisatire bitPickup / [italic] ~ irony erste Andeutungen ĂŒber weitere Konsequenzen in einem ominösen Kommentar, hat wohl mal wieder in seiner KajĂŒte den Schuss nicht gehört der Penner
  • 25 Minuten spĂ€ter, am 01/09/19 um 0:05 Ortszeit tauchen erste Hinweise auf ein ungelistetes Beweisvideo ĂŒber eventuellen #shadowban oder Moderationsschleifensettings des #CSU Schmierentheaters auf
  • schlappe 3 Stunden und 48 Minuten spĂ€ter schmeißt Gefreiter private Aschgeige @mÊ•â€ąï»Œâ€ąÊ”m no pm MP in town die erste Notiz ĂŒber den ungelisteten #youtube Video in twitters #shitstorm
  • bis zur Stunde scheint inofficial Pirate @taz weiterhin in der KajĂŒte zu dösen, also ob's im SĂŒdwesten nix neues gĂ€b

.. der Rest ist Geschichte ..

bester nicht öffentlicher Kommentar im schÀndlichsten Video der CSYOU Geschichte aller Zeiten:
wird natĂŒrlich von manchen noch angezweifelt

Das Wasser ist trĂŒb.
Die Kommentarspalten sind rein!
ZenCSUrsula muss ertrunken sein 



Wenn man vom Desktop aus einen Kommentar in youtube einstellt bekommt man stante pedes einen link Angezeigt der direkt auf den Kommentar verweist. Bevor man den Kommentar abschickt sollte man ihn natĂŒrlich zur Sicherheit erst mal per [CTRL-A]+[CTRL-C] kopieren und fĂŒr die eigene backup Bibliotheke a la YT-kommentar-CSF**YOU-01.txt zusammen mit einem Screenshot a la YT-kommentar-CSF**YOU-01.png aufbewahren. In das txt-Kommentarbackup gehört natĂŒrlich auch der direkt Link zum Kommentar.
Hier ein solcher momentan funktionierender Direktlink, in diesem Falle zu einem informellen GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber shadowban Praktiken:

Solche links funktionieren scheinbar nur von einem Desktopbrowser aus. Der link ruft die betreffende Videoseite auf, nach kurzem laden und anspielen des Videos springt die Seite jedoch zur Kommentarspalte und verweist auf den entsprechenden Kommentar als ersten in der Liste in Form einer besonderen Empfehlung. Bisherige Tests und Versuche Ă€hnliches auf der YT-eigenen android app oder einem app-Browser zu bewerkstelligen sind bisher fehl geschlagen. Handy-Nutzer sollten ihre Kommentare zur Beweismittelsicherung und fĂŒr die eigenen Urheberrechte vor dem absenden kopieren und als Notiz abspeichern sowie nach dem Einstellen des Kommentars einen Screenshot anfertigen.

Um herauszufinden ob Kommentar oder Antwort auf einen Kommentar einem #shadowban unterliegen muss man die Videoseite als unangemeldeter Internaut besuchen und ĂŒberprĂŒfen ob Kommentar bzw Antwort erscheinen oder versteckt sprich ausgeblendet werden. Shadowban bedeutet das nur das Profil das den Text eingestellt hat diesen auch angezeigt bekommt, der/die/das User geht also davon aus das alles in Ordnung ist und der Rest der Welt den Text genauso sieht wie ihn das Profil sieht.

Publizieren auf twitter
Wer seinen Kommentarlink zum Beispiel als Nachweis auf twitter veröffentlichen möchte, muss beachten das twitter wenn nur ein Link eingestellt wird das betreffende Video einbettet und der Kommentarlink dementsprechend weder funktioniert noch ersichtlich ist. Wenn man mehrere links in einem tweet einstellt wird der letzte link von twitter eingebettet. Mit anderen Worten, als erstes muss man den Kommentarlink in den tweet einfĂŒgen und dann noch einen weiteren Link eventuell zu einem informativen Text wie diesen hier hinzufĂŒgen.

Trend source
#federatedweb #thefederation #fediverse #activitypub #ostatus #matrix #diaspora #zot #outbound #inbound #dfrn #webmention #xmpp #smtp #diaspora* #diasporaHistory #friendica #hubzilla #mastodon #peertube