PageTranslate : #LibreOffice plugin for translating whole documents, which retains some formatting.
We are having problem with US immigration for our kids who are (after 6 years) still questioning the legitimacy of our claim that our kids were adopted legally and lived with us 2 years prior to their move to the US.
We had to translate all our documents to English and provide the originals and translated files to them. The latest request was to give them our taxes for 4 years prior to my wife's move to US. Having them translated would have cost a fortune, so I used the above extension, imported the PDF files from the French tax office into LibreOffice and installed the PageTranslate app.
It translated the files almost perfectly, except for a few minor issues where the text was split between sections and I had to correct the #translation that took about 20-30 minutes per document, it saved me a lot of money and aggravation.
#FreeSoftware #Document #French #English