The head of Russian mercenary group Wagner said on Friday the group had "practically encircled" #Bakhmut, an industrial city in eastern Ukraine that has seen the fiercest fighting of Moscow's invasion

The bloodiest and longest battle in the now over 1 year of war in Ukraine is about to come to and end (for now). Reports of Ukrainian forces blowing up all the bridges in the city and surrounding areas preparing to withdraw from the city in the small narrow path they say is still open.

This is now, more than ever time to push for immediate and unconditional ceasefire and push for negotiation between the 2 parts to stop this mass slaughter and destructive war.

But listening to US, Germany, Ukraine and UK, they have 0 interest in negotiating with Putin unless he completely leaves Ukraine, including breakout regions. something that Putin and his loonies would never agree with (and NATO knows perfectly well) so there is no change of seeing peace anytime soon.

#PeaceNow #Ukraine #Russia #NATO #Bakhmut #UkraneWar #Krimea #StopTheWar #CeaseFireNow

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