Say no to war, say no to hypocrisy, condemn all atrocities!

While people of conscience around the globe must condemn Russia's preemptive use of airstrikes against Ukraine it needs to be pointed out that in addition to the dozens of airstrikes Russia has perpetrated,
In the last 48 hours alone;

  • Saudi Arabia has launched 37 airstrikes in the nation of Yemen,
  • Israel launched an airstrike in Damascus,
  • The US launched an airstrike in Somalia.

The continued moral elasticity of the government of the US and it's allies must be addressed. The US has no moral high ground here, having engaged in preemptive military invasions non-stop for the last two decades.

According to International Law, The U.N, The Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Protocols, preemptive invasion of a sovereign nation is a war crime and a crime against humanity.

The people of the world all share the hope and the vision of world peace. The people of the world have more in common with each other than our sociopathic leaders would have us believe.

The mothers and fathers, the daughters and sons of Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia- all nations everywhere- want happy, well fed children who can play in the sun without fear of being murdered by insane policies and warring ideologies that benefit no one.

All wars are one war, and that one war is always fought for vile profit and resource control.

There's no place in the world for war mongers and the cheering hoards who call for the blood of strangers.

We have to stop allowing the insane to run around in the world. We put away serial killers but we continue to support massive serial killing at the hands of madmen.
In our name.

They will not stop until we stop them.

#Ukraine #Russia #Israel #Syria #Somalia #Yemen #SaudiArabia #Politics #StopTheWar #PeaceNow

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