Markor - TextEditor for Notes, ToDo and Bookmarks - for Android | Gregor Santner Β» Android, Linux & Open Source blog

Markor has a new project page :)

πŸ“ Write down documents in plaintext and simple markup formats
πŸ– Highlighting and format related text actions
πŸ“„ Open and edit documents of other apps and shared texts
πŸ‘€ Convert, preview and share documents as HTML and PDF
πŸ“š Notebook: All documents are stored on a common filesystem folder
πŸ““ QuickNote: Quickly share into a fast accessible Markdown document
β˜‘οΈ To-Do: Quickly share into your fast accessible ToDo list
πŸ”– LinkBox: Share pages to read later into your bookmark list
πŸ– Markup formats: Markdown and todo.txt
πŸ“‹ Copy to clipboard: Copy any text, text shared into Markor can be directly copied too
πŸ’‘ LinkBox, QuickNote and ToDo are textfiles with chooseable location on filesystem
πŸ“š Notebook is the root folder for your documents and can be choosen too

Tags: #dandelΓ­on #markor #markdown #todo #fdroid #f-droid #foss #android

via dandelion* client (Source)

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