With the recent #RedditMigration I've found it quite nice to experience their most popular alternatives, #Kbin and #Lemmy. What's happening in those sites really has the feel of the old internet. And why's great about it is that both Kbin as well as Lemmy are federated to each other and to #Mastodon, which means you can see posts from any of those platforms on any of my the others.

Which makes me wonder: Why is #diaspora so cut off the rest of the fediverse? Isn't the whole point, or at least one of the points, of the fediverse that, in principle, we can all interact with each other? I know many in Diaspora appreciate how local we keep things here, but there's aways the possibility of manually blocking instances you don't want to interact to.

Anyway, just a thought. I'm interested in reading what your opinions are


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