

Found 31 new servers and 37 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,907 servers checked. 14,808,144 Total Users with 1,067,821 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

tippy.rabbithouse.garden a #iceshrimpnet server from United States
video.demo.cloudron.io a #peertube server from United States
rootless.social a #akkoma server from Private
gnulinux.tube a #peertube server from United States
valkenb.org a #mastodon server from New Zealand
solaris.kalisz.pl a #wordpress server from Poland
key.authenyo.xyz a #sharkey server from Private
social.iris.upc.edu a #mastodon server from Spain
items.minimals.org a #snac server from Germany
helixnonelead.life a #mastodon server from South Korea
social.xanten.cc a #mastodon server from Germany
stockhandbook.blog a #wordpress server from United States
a.reviewed.world a #mastodon server from France
live.0x212.com a #owncast server from United States
dont.amd.im a #gotosocial server from United States
malktube.duckdns.org a #peertube server from Dominican Republic
micro.kittens.cat a #sharkey server from Private
hello.masto.host a #mastodon server from France
mastodon.tuxcord.net a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
villemorte.sites.felinn.org a #gancio server from France
social.grantix.eu a #friendica server from France
mahakala.icu a #mastodon server from Japan
fedi.idesmi.eu a #gotosocial server from
1732378310224.kzkr.xyz a #yojoart server from Private
mastodon.calitabby.net a #mastodon server from United States
yosijo.de a #wordpress server from Germany
ap.bluecatnet.work a #mastodon server from Singapore
social.lyra56k.net a #sharkey server from United States
fedi.viois.gay a #sharkey server from United States
mk.fef.jp a #misskey server from Private
ice.midnightoasis.moe a #iceshrimp server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 27 new servers and 27 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,912 servers checked. 14,808,144 Total Users with 1,067,821 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

valkenb.org a #mastodon server from New Zealand
solaris.kalisz.pl a #wordpress server from Poland
key.authenyo.xyz a #sharkey server from Private
social.iris.upc.edu a #mastodon server from Spain
items.minimals.org a #snac server from Germany
helixnonelead.life a #mastodon server from South Korea
stockhandbook.blog a #wordpress server from United States
social.xanten.cc a #mastodon server from Germany
a.reviewed.world a #mastodon server from France
live.0x212.com a #owncast server from United States
dont.amd.im a #gotosocial server from United States
malktube.duckdns.org a #peertube server from Dominican Republic
micro.kittens.cat a #sharkey server from Private
social.grantix.eu a #friendica server from France
hello.masto.host a #mastodon server from France
mastodon.tuxcord.net a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
villemorte.sites.felinn.org a #gancio server from France
mahakala.icu a #mastodon server from Japan
fedi.idesmi.eu a #gotosocial server from
1732378310224.kzkr.xyz a #yojoart server from Private
mastodon.calitabby.net a #mastodon server from United States
yosijo.de a #wordpress server from Germany
ap.bluecatnet.work a #mastodon server from Singapore
social.lyra56k.net a #sharkey server from United States
fedi.viois.gay a #sharkey server from United States
mk.fef.jp a #misskey server from Private
ice.midnightoasis.moe a #iceshrimp server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Message de la Quadrature du Net
#Attrap est public : un outil pour repérer les arrêtés préfectoraux trop discrets

Depuis que l’utilisation des #drones policiers a été légalisée par la #loi #Sécurité intérieure de 2022, et l’utilisation « expérimentale » de la #vidéosurveillance #algorithmique (#VSA) par la loi Jeux Olympiques de 2023, nous passons du temps à chercher des arrêtés préfectoraux en ligne. Pas pour le plaisir (encore que), mais parce que chaque sortie des drones policiers et chaque déclenchement de la VSA doit être autorisé et précédé par un arrêté du préfet, qui doit être rendu public. Et c’est là que ça se complique : documents publiés à la dernière minute (ou même après), documents planqués dans les arrière-fonds des sites web des préfectures, documents scannés au format image donc inaccessibles aux outils de recherche de texte, processus différents d’une préfecture à l’autre, architecture des sites préfectoraux pas du tout standardisée, etc. On pourrait presque croire que tout est fait pour que l’information soit aussi difficile à trouver que possible. Le pouvoir a une habitude de #secret et de #discrétion, il ne faudrait quand même pas que la #population, les journalistes, les chercheur·euses ou les militant·es exercent leur droit trop facilement.

Mais comme La Quadrature est un mélange de #juristes et de geeks, et parfois de juristes-geeks, on a développé un outil pour abattre le boulot et explorer pour nous les sites préfectoraux et rapporter les arrêtés en fonction des mots clés qu’on lui donne. « On » s’appelle d’abord Bastien, vite rejoint par Nono et par une bande de bénévoles, merci à elleux, pour déchiffrer et défricher les labyrinthes préfectoraux et perfectionner l’outil. Aucune IA n’a été maltraitée durant ce processus, seulement des militant·es motivé·es. Le logiciel s’appelle Automate de Traque de Termes et de Recherche dans les Arrêtés Préfectoraux, ou Attrap pour faire plus court – et c’est également plus facile à prononcer, ça tombe quand même drôlement bien.

On utilise Attrap depuis quelques mois, avec des recherches sur les mots-clés liés aux drones et à la VSA, pour alimenter un compte #Mastodon nommé #AttrapSurveillance et documenter la mise en œuvre quasi quotidienne de ces dispositifs de surveillance qui nous paraissaient encore si effrayants et exotiques lors du confinement de mars 2020.
On avait en tête depuis le début de rendre un jour l’outil public pour que tout le monde puisse s’en servir. C’est chose faite. Le site Attrap est en ligne depuis quelques jours, avec un article qui explique sa genèse et son utilité, et il fonctionne comme un moteur de recherche. On a aussi lancé des exemples de suivi de certaines décisions repérées par Attrap avec des thèmes précis, ici ou là par exemple, en espérant que cela donnera envie à d’autres collectifs de s’approprier l’outil. Dorénavant Attrap est à vous : apprenez à connaître votre préfecture, ce n’est pas sale !

Et si vous allez en Allemagne au Chaos Computer Congress (#CCC) cette année, vous pouvez venir ajouter de nouvelles préfectures dans le moteur de recherche, lors du hackathon Attrap organisé le 27 décembre à 18h au Komona. Une rumeur dit que les participant·es pourront récupérer des oreilles de chat qui brillent dans le noir en guise de petit remerciement…

Pour lire la présentation d’Attrap : https://www.laquadrature.net/2024/12/19/contre-lopacite-de-la-surveillance-locale-attrap-tes-arretes-prefectoraux/
Le compte Mastodon de Attrap’Surveillance : https://mamot.fr/@AttrapSurveillance
Pour utiliser Attrap tout de suite : attrap.fr


Found 10 new servers and 21 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,901 servers checked. 14,808,144 Total Users with 1,067,821 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

mahakala.icu a #mastodon server from Japan
fedi.idesmi.eu a #gotosocial server from
1732378310224.kzkr.xyz a #yojoart server from Private
mastodon.calitabby.net a #mastodon server from United States
yosijo.de a #wordpress server from Germany
ap.bluecatnet.work a #mastodon server from Singapore
fedi.viois.gay a #sharkey server from United States
social.lyra56k.net a #sharkey server from United States
ice.midnightoasis.moe a #iceshrimp server from United States
mk.fef.jp a #misskey server from Private

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#Attentat #Mastodon #bardella dit la chiasse droitière grand pote de l' #AfD
Nils Wilcke @paul_denton@mastodon.social

L'Allemagne se réveille sous le choc d'un nouvel attentat au marché de Noël de Magdebourg, à l'Est du pays. En France, Bardella s'est empressé de dénoncer un "attentat islamiste". Sauf que l'auteur présumé est un médecin originaire d’Arabie Saoudite, connu au contraire pour son activisme... anti-islam et il a posté des contenus de l'AfD, le parti d'extrême-droite allemand https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/anschlag-auf-weihnachtsmarkt-in-magdeburg-100.html


Found 6 new servers and 6 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,905 servers checked. 14,756,970 Total Users with 1,067,821 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

1732378310224.kzkr.xyz a #yojoart server from Private
mastodon.calitabby.net a #mastodon server from United States
yosijo.de a #wordpress server from Germany
ap.bluecatnet.work a #mastodon server from Singapore
fedi.viois.gay a #sharkey server from United States
social.lyra56k.net a #sharkey server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 28 new servers and 49 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,908 servers checked. 14,756,970 Total Users with 1,069,805 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

mk.fef.jp a #misskey server from Private
ice.midnightoasis.moe a #iceshrimp server from United States
cstonline.flavoursofopen.science a #wordpress server from Switzerland
blog.wgpstudio.org a #writefreely server from Private
sayakko.thruhere.net a #akkoma server from Germany
peertube.chikl.de a #peertube server from Germany
video.0xc0edba.be a #peertube server from Germany
social.flctwn.com a #mastodon server from France
social.iaysco.club a #gotosocial server from Private
yotsu.rocks a #sharkey server from Private
exil.aufentha.lt a #akkoma server from Germany
videos.nerdout.online a #peertube server from United States
gamma.argyle.social a #mastodon server from United States
beta.argyle.social a #mastodon server from United States
mastodon.ghammashi.space a #mastodon server from France
mas.fedivers.al a #mastodon server from Finland
mastodon.joolstorrentecalo.com a #mastodon server from Private
rap.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
fedsy.ergon.network a #fedsy server from United States
adho.org a #wordpress server from Germany
stream.neotheta.fi a #owncast server from Germany
keepupwthetempo.com a #wordpress server from United States
janerationx.rocks a #mastodon server from Portugal
pixel.starbuckstech.com a #pixelfed server from United States
content.haacksnetworking.org a #peertube server from United States
social.moekyun.me a #sharkey server from United States
thedailyid.com a #wordpress server from United States
m.drifting.boats a #mastodon server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 25 new servers and 34 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,917 servers checked. 14,756,970 Total Users with 1,069,805 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

blog.wgpstudio.org a #writefreely server from Private
social.flctwn.com a #mastodon server from France
peertube.chikl.de a #peertube server from Germany
video.0xc0edba.be a #peertube server from Germany
sayakko.thruhere.net a #akkoma server from Germany
videos.nerdout.online a #peertube server from United States
exil.aufentha.lt a #akkoma server from Germany
social.iaysco.club a #gotosocial server from Private
yotsu.rocks a #sharkey server from Private
beta.argyle.social a #mastodon server from United States
gamma.argyle.social a #mastodon server from United States
mastodon.ghammashi.space a #mastodon server from France
mas.fedivers.al a #mastodon server from Finland
mastodon.joolstorrentecalo.com a #mastodon server from Private
rap.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
fedsy.ergon.network a #fedsy server from United States
adho.org a #wordpress server from Germany
stream.neotheta.fi a #owncast server from Germany
keepupwthetempo.com a #wordpress server from United States
janerationx.rocks a #mastodon server from Portugal
pixel.starbuckstech.com a #pixelfed server from United States
content.haacksnetworking.org a #peertube server from United States
social.moekyun.me a #sharkey server from United States
thedailyid.com a #wordpress server from United States
m.drifting.boats a #mastodon server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 8 new servers and 21 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,914 servers checked. 14,756,970 Total Users with 1,069,805 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

stream.neotheta.fi a #owncast server from Germany
keepupwthetempo.com a #wordpress server from United States
janerationx.rocks a #mastodon server from Portugal
pixel.starbuckstech.com a #pixelfed server from United States
content.haacksnetworking.org a #peertube server from United States
social.moekyun.me a #sharkey server from United States
thedailyid.com a #wordpress server from United States
m.drifting.boats a #mastodon server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 20 new servers and 40 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,921 servers checked. 14,678,843 Total Users with 1,075,261 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

m.drifting.boats a #mastodon server from Private
fedevolution.yasyasgo.moe a #fedevolution server from Hungary
gts.builtdiff.space a #gotosocial server from Austria
social.queercommunity.net a #mastodon server from United States
gts.icewind.me a #gotosocial server from The Netherlands
misskey.canpavon.cat a #misskey server from Private
gots.ichwerdbloe.de a #gotosocial server from Germany
beitmenotyou.online a #mastodon server from Finland
literatube.com a #peertube server from Germany
shrimp.nerdout.online a #iceshrimpnet server from United States
numericcitizen.me a #ghost server from United States
seansshelf.uk a #wordpress server from France
video.duskeld.dev a #peertube server from Australia
mastodon.xurxia.net a #gotosocial server from Spain
starlite.rodeo a #mastodon server from Canada
degiuli.com a #wordpress server from United States
mastodon.blablalinux.be a #mastodon server from Belgium
blog.brwinow.gmina.pl a #writefreely server from Poland
x.keinpfusch.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
panda510.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 18 new servers and 26 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,930 servers checked. 14,678,843 Total Users with 1,075,261 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

gts.builtdiff.space a #gotosocial server from Austria
social.queercommunity.net a #mastodon server from United States
literatube.com a #peertube server from Germany
misskey.canpavon.cat a #misskey server from Private
beitmenotyou.online a #mastodon server from Finland
gts.icewind.me a #gotosocial server from The Netherlands
gots.ichwerdbloe.de a #gotosocial server from Germany
shrimp.nerdout.online a #iceshrimpnet server from United States
numericcitizen.me a #ghost server from United States
seansshelf.uk a #wordpress server from France
video.duskeld.dev a #peertube server from Australia
mastodon.xurxia.net a #gotosocial server from Spain
starlite.rodeo a #mastodon server from Canada
degiuli.com a #wordpress server from United States
blog.brwinow.gmina.pl a #writefreely server from Poland
mastodon.blablalinux.be a #mastodon server from Belgium
x.keinpfusch.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
panda510.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 9 new servers and 15 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,934 servers checked. 14,678,843 Total Users with 1,075,261 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

seansshelf.uk a #wordpress server from France
video.duskeld.dev a #peertube server from Australia
mastodon.xurxia.net a #gotosocial server from Spain
starlite.rodeo a #mastodon server from Canada
mastodon.blablalinux.be a #mastodon server from Belgium
blog.brwinow.gmina.pl a #writefreely server from Poland
degiuli.com a #wordpress server from United States
x.keinpfusch.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
panda510.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 34 new servers and 45 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,942 servers checked. 14,597,895 Total Users with 1,078,505 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

starlite.rodeo a #mastodon server from Canada
mastodon.blablalinux.be a #mastodon server from Belgium
degiuli.com a #wordpress server from United States
blog.brwinow.gmina.pl a #writefreely server from Poland
x.keinpfusch.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
panda510.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
note.1588.red a #wordpress server from Japan
miservice.fr a #wordpress server from France
islegram.tpcsystem.com a #pixelfed server from Italy
6c6a6qm6xvtnm2brw75ppxuzma.srv.us a #snac server from United States
www.simplyblock.io a #wordpress server from Private
reactchannel.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
armoise.co a #activitypods server from Germany
video.fnordkollektiv.de a #peertube server from Germany
social.cidney.org a #gotosocial server from United States
qbluep.hostdon.ne.jp a #mastodon server from Japan
gts.kasanwa.name a #gotosocial server from United States
zelazny.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
go.justheardthis.com a #gotosocial server from United States
mastodon.ndm.ac a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
www.communityedition.ca a #wordpress server from Canada
faeranne.me a #sharkey server from United States
paypig.filthylucre.biz a #mitra server from United States
social.agenedia.com a #mastodon server from Austria
floraandfauna.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
susirisskey.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
shusuki.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
m1zuu.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
c.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
eggyolk.party a #akkoma server from Romania
coolzipbomb.download a #mastodon server from United States
binarydigit.photos a #pixelfed server from United States
kotonari.net a #misskey server from Japan
mindof.jrconlin.com a #gotosocial server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 27 new servers and 36 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,950 servers checked. 14,597,895 Total Users with 1,078,505 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

miservice.fr a #wordpress server from France
www.simplyblock.io a #wordpress server from Private
reactchannel.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
6c6a6qm6xvtnm2brw75ppxuzma.srv.us a #snac server from United States
islegram.tpcsystem.com a #pixelfed server from Italy
armoise.co a #activitypods server from Germany
video.fnordkollektiv.de a #peertube server from Germany
qbluep.hostdon.ne.jp a #mastodon server from Japan
social.cidney.org a #gotosocial server from United States
gts.kasanwa.name a #gotosocial server from United States
zelazny.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
mastodon.ndm.ac a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
go.justheardthis.com a #gotosocial server from United States
www.communityedition.ca a #wordpress server from Canada
faeranne.me a #sharkey server from United States
paypig.filthylucre.biz a #mitra server from United States
social.agenedia.com a #mastodon server from Austria
susirisskey.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
floraandfauna.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
shusuki.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
c.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
m1zuu.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
eggyolk.party a #akkoma server from Romania
coolzipbomb.download a #mastodon server from United States
binarydigit.photos a #pixelfed server from United States
kotonari.net a #misskey server from Japan
mindof.jrconlin.com a #gotosocial server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 11 new servers and 30 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,940 servers checked. 14,597,895 Total Users with 1,078,505 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.agenedia.com a #mastodon server from Austria
shusuki.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
susirisskey.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
floraandfauna.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
m1zuu.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
c.fd-sns.com a #misskey server from Private
eggyolk.party a #akkoma server from Romania
binarydigit.photos a #pixelfed server from United States
coolzipbomb.download a #mastodon server from United States
kotonari.net a #misskey server from Japan
mindof.jrconlin.com a #gotosocial server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 35 new servers and 44 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,959 servers checked. 14,526,629 Total Users with 1,082,956 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

binarydigit.photos a #pixelfed server from United States
coolzipbomb.download a #mastodon server from United States
kotonari.net a #misskey server from Japan
mindof.jrconlin.com a #gotosocial server from United States
toot.11.surf a #mastodon server from Private
social.realmofmachias.com a #mastodon server from France
odh5zadmki2ah4n2nyrvf4mvji.srv.us a #gotosocial server from United States
torino.ils.org a #wordpress server from Italy
mallorca.convoca.la a #gancio server from Germany
info.brwinow.gmina.pl a #gotosocial server from Poland
dirknb.de a #wordpress server from Germany
masto.xvzf.rip a #gotosocial server from Private
gochannel.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
dannydealguru.com a #wordpress server from United States
gts.late2the.party a #gotosocial server from United States
cinefilia.roicou.gal a #wordpress server from Spain
razemdlalotnictwa.pl a #wordpress server from Germany
www.chatperche.org a #wordpress server from France
samsprĂĄka.se a #mastodon server from Portugal
fedi.grappling.ca a #mastodon server from France
aub.erge.to a #writefreely server from United States
blogfreely.net a #blogfreely server from Private
akkoma.noellabo.jp a #akkoma server from Japan
bruckner.photo a #pixelfed server from Austria
social.tetanus.shop a #gotosocial server from United States
sevenstar.etnfed.ru a #gotosocial server from Japan
mtd.asukadns.net a #mastodon server from Japan
0x212.com a #mastodon server from United States
mi.mtomo.uk a #misskey server from Private
sosu.eita.wtf a #iceshrimp server from The Netherlands
girldick.rocks a #mastodon server from Canada
mastodon.spencergreenhalgh.com a #mastodon server from United States
social.tclug.org a #gotosocial server from Canada
isme.fyi a #hollo server from Australia
peertube-will.stay-silly.org a #peertube server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 29 new servers and 27 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,969 servers checked. 14,526,629 Total Users with 1,082,956 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

odh5zadmki2ah4n2nyrvf4mvji.srv.us a #gotosocial server from United States
info.brwinow.gmina.pl a #gotosocial server from Poland
mallorca.convoca.la a #gancio server from Germany
torino.ils.org a #wordpress server from Italy
dirknb.de a #wordpress server from Germany
masto.xvzf.rip a #gotosocial server from Private
gochannel.channel.org a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
dannydealguru.com a #wordpress server from United States
gts.late2the.party a #gotosocial server from United States
cinefilia.roicou.gal a #wordpress server from Spain
razemdlalotnictwa.pl a #wordpress server from Germany
samsprĂĄka.se a #mastodon server from Portugal
www.chatperche.org a #wordpress server from France
fedi.grappling.ca a #mastodon server from France
aub.erge.to a #writefreely server from United States
blogfreely.net a #blogfreely server from Private
akkoma.noellabo.jp a #akkoma server from Japan
bruckner.photo a #pixelfed server from Austria
social.tetanus.shop a #gotosocial server from United States
sevenstar.etnfed.ru a #gotosocial server from Japan
mtd.asukadns.net a #mastodon server from Japan
0x212.com a #mastodon server from United States
sosu.eita.wtf a #iceshrimp server from The Netherlands
mi.mtomo.uk a #misskey server from Private
mastodon.spencergreenhalgh.com a #mastodon server from United States
girldick.rocks a #mastodon server from Canada
social.tclug.org a #gotosocial server from Canada
isme.fyi a #hollo server from Australia
peertube-will.stay-silly.org a #peertube server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 14 new servers and 21 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,961 servers checked. 14,526,629 Total Users with 1,082,956 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

blogfreely.net a #blogfreely server from Private
akkoma.noellabo.jp a #akkoma server from Japan
bruckner.photo a #pixelfed server from Austria
social.tetanus.shop a #gotosocial server from United States
sevenstar.etnfed.ru a #gotosocial server from Japan
mtd.asukadns.net a #mastodon server from Japan
0x212.com a #mastodon server from United States
sosu.eita.wtf a #iceshrimp server from The Netherlands
mi.mtomo.uk a #misskey server from Private
social.tclug.org a #gotosocial server from Canada
mastodon.spencergreenhalgh.com a #mastodon server from United States
girldick.rocks a #mastodon server from Canada
isme.fyi a #hollo server from Australia
peertube-will.stay-silly.org a #peertube server from Private

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