#Money is the omnipresent #incentive

in every pore of the #system. And there has never been more of it, roaring for returns.

guy with hat in hammock

If this is not addressed, every initiative is like a leaf trying to float up the Amazon River.

There are initiatives to turn this off, for example by abolishing all fiat money and replacing it with (electronic) central bank money, which, because of the enormous concentration of #power, will probably lead the world into almost complete #slavery.

The best way (also for democracy) would probably be #decentralisation or #sharing of everything, which probably only works if systems rot themselves from within.

The most beautiful form of resistance is probably to change personal circumstances in such a way that one can work less.

hammock in forest at lake

#Change happens less through communication and more through joyful example.

Maybe it's already #happening. Where I live, a lot of companies can't find #employees even though the #economy isn't doing so well.

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