

ZigzagDownLoader logo di ZDL

DCC ...reverse!

Some XDCC BOTs shield server ports using "reverse DCC". In particular, https://xdcc.eu provides countless links to files in all languages ​​of the world via the host server irc.scenep2p.net, which uses "reverse dcc".
Unfortunately, there are few programs capable of downloading files through this type of protocol. For example, #weechat is not capable of performing this type of download.

From now, ZigzagDownLoader can download via reverse DCC!

#zdl #bash #linux #cygwin #downloader #axel #wget #aria2 #gnu #free #freesoftware #softwarelibero #zigzag #zigzagdownloader #condividetevelo #sharing #streaming #hosting #filehosting #xdcc #dcc #irc #automazione #dccreverse #reversedcc


"empire is one hell of a drug"

austrian theodor herzl, 1896. british lloyd george, to return jesus. british balfour, to rid jews from europe. balfour declaration 1917 "dear lord rothschild". league of nations "tutelege of advanced nations". peele commission drawing lines on the map, forced relocations without consultation.

#empire #history #un #zionism #theodorherzl #rothschild #balfour #lloydgeorge #toffs #britishrule #theyareusingyou #notconsulted #gothere #notyou #justyou #linesonthemap #forcedrelocation #massacres #deathmarch #imposition #thisisnotwhatthemoralhighgroundlookslike
#palestine #sharing


#Share your #desktop via #browser

In the past I’ve had some problems sharing my screen with coworkers using corporate chatting solutions like #Microsoft #Teams. I wanted to show them some of my code, but either the stream lagged several seconds behind or the quality was so poor that my colleagues couldn’t read the code. Or both.

That’s why I created screego. It allows you to share your screen with good quality and low latency. #Screego is an addition to existing #software and only helps to share your #screen.

enter image description here

#internet #sharing #browser #opensource #linux #tool #utility
