Israeli Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to US President Joe Biden: The State of Israel will be forced to send IDF Ground Troops to Invade and Liberate Gaza Strip from Hamas

This is going to be a bloodbath. With Palestinians stuck in Gaza and prevented from leaving, they will be the first casualties of such incursion.

When will Israel realize that there is no military solution to the Palestinian problem, as long as Israel is an apartheid state, Palestinians denied justice, there always be groups taking up arms to fight Israel, PLO, Hamas. Islamic Jihad and all other groups didn't exist before Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Even if Israel manages to destroy #Hamas or tame them into obedient puppets like #PLO and #PA, there will be other groups who will be created to fight for justice, or even worse, #ISIS like extremism and horrible actions like we saw happen in the past few days.

#Israel #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Apartheid #Occupation #NoJustieNoPeace #Politics

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