Hosting my own pod again

(Read the blog post here)

I couldn’t say why, but I recently had the strong urge to host my own diaspora✻ pod again.

Around eighteen months or so ago I got a docker instance running after a fashion that ran diaspora✻ but it was flaky to say the least, and I wasn’t happy with the lack of control I had over it. I’d had a look at the instructions for getting one to run natively and had decided that a docker instance would be the easier option. In the event I did something really stupid and managed to hose the installation and gave it up as a bad job.

So in more recent weeks I had another look at hosting my own pod and in this new light, it didn’t look all that hard to do. So I spun up an Ubuntu 22.04 server1 on VMWare Fusion on my MacBook and had a go…

#diaspora #linux #ubuntu #openssl #ruby #vm