Jazz Me Blues

Gunhild, Nanna, Petronella, and Linnea Carling (in Italy)

OMG! I just discovered Gunhild (seen here on trumpet) yesterday. She's amazing. She's Swedish, and, apparently, better known as a trombone player. She came here to Northern California just in time for the pandemic. Not the best time to start a career in a new country.

"Jazz Me Blues" is a jot music standard. I posted a record of it from 1945 by Wild Bill Davison and his Commodores, This tune was written by Tom Delaney in 1920. All the great tunes come from the 1920s.


#music #video #hot-jazz #jazz #dixieland #new-orleans-jazz #gunhild-carling #1920 #2019 #Italy

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