#Amnesty #Iran: This morning’s execution of Iranian-British national #AlirezaAkbari, a former Iranian official, by Iran's authorities again displays their abhorrent assault on the right to life. The use of the #DeathPenalty is appalling under all circumstances.

In the case of Alireza Akbari it is particularly horrific given the violations he revealed he was subjected to in prison, including #torture & other ill-treatment through being forcibly administered chemical substances & being held in prolonged solitary confinement which caused him great distress, and forced to make recorded “confessions” repeatedly, w/these recordings later played in court during his trial.

Alireza Akbari was convicted and sentenced to death for “spreading corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel arz), which @amnesty has consistently held fails to meet requirements for clarity and precision needed in criminal law and breaches the principle of legality and legal certainty.
The #UK government must fully investigate Alireza Akbari’s allegations of torture and other ill-treatment, and pursue all avenues to hold the Iranian authorities to account, including by exercising universal jurisdiction to criminally investigate all officials reasonably suspected of involvement in crimes under international law and issue arrest warrants where there is sufficient admissible evidence.

#Politics #HumanRights