The address of the #BBB is the same as the address of Bayer Monsanto’s communications office in the Netherlands: Groningerstraat 21, 7418 BX Deventer.

• Address BBB: • Address ReMarkAble:
Bayer Monsanto, Cargill and Dupont have bought nearly 17 million hectares of agricultural land in #Ukraine. That is about 60% of the available arable land in the country.

What can we expect from the Farmer-Citizen Movement? The answer is: nothing.

Nitrogen policy is framed within the globalist climate agenda, which in turn flows from Agenda 2030 and the so-called ‘sustainable development goals’.

The implementation of #Agenda2030 may be slightly delayed, but the process will continue. The last paragraph of the report below already indicates ‘that the plan just needs fine-tuning’.