:: 46-046 [SG] Who Dis ::

What's up, people! Been a while eh...
Here be my OC, the I.T. guy Tsumura, taking a break from work. From this outdoor area, he could see typical Sigma weather: grey skies.

46-046 [SG] Who Dis by Early Onion.jpg

He was contemplating on renewing a PC game subscription when he suddenly gets a call from a super ancient number that he could've sworn was no longer in use. He doesn't have this contact saved in his phone, but he remembers this number. It belongs to someone whom, like the number, was long gone.

Is it who he thinks it is? Is it possible??
Tsumura nervously answers the call...

Misc. Notes:
Hello hello, everyone! I can't believe my sketches were left forgotten thanks to family chaos. Maybe that's why my brain refuses to think of drawdraw ideas. x'D I ended up completing this one quickly because I got overexcited to finally be drawing again! xD

★ If sharing/reposting outside of Diaspora, please credit me and link back to my dA page/post. Please do not use, edit, copy, trace, plagiarise, steal, and/or commercialise my work and/or characters in any way without my permission. Thank you.

#mywork #art #oc #originalcharacter #TJH #digitalart #krita #drawing #illustration #people #chibi