Markor v0.3.8 released | Gregor Santner » Android, Linux & Open Source blog

New features:

- Recently viewed documents
- Start editing of recent documents, button in the toolbar of main view
- Allow sharing into recend documents
- Queue containing the 10 last viewed files
- Keep scroll position when reloading document list (Notebook)
- Document/File Info: Dialog showing information about selected file
- Openable at main views toolbar when one item is selected


- Overall better performance
- Faster document loading
- Decreased memory usage
- Reduce edit history size (undo/redo) to 5 for lower memory usage
- Preview/Rendering (All):
- Rework of theme, font-size and font injection
- Preview/Rendering (Markdown):
- Blockquote theme based styling
- Blockquote RTL compatibility


- Crash when Markor put to background and huge file is loaded
- Document contents are not stored into resume cache anymore if they are too big
- Make no major differences for huge files, just undo/redo history is cleared when switchting away

Tags: #dandelíon #markor #markdown #todo #fdroid #f-droid #foss #android

via dandelion* client (Source)

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