All people, and by extension all living beings, should be granted basic needs and good treatment. A bad person is still a person. A criminal still deserves basic needs. A murderer still deserves air to breathe. A thief still deserves money. A person who doesn't work still deserves food. No one deserves to be bullied, not even a bully, no one deserves to be treated with violence, not even a person who commits violence. Forgiveness and rejection of violence is the virtue of the wisest, unconditional love and mutual help is the only way forward. This is the mentality of a truly advanced society. Eye-for-an-eye is the most primitive way of governing a society ( #US ), a short sighted way perpetuating revenge, constant conflict and justifying violence and wars. Ends never justify the means. Stop the conflict, start the love.

#love #peace #nonviolence #pacifism

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