

I think the difficulty is that most of us, at least those who are in #authority, they prefer #violence because they want quick solutions and to be able to #control people through #fear. And so they encourage more and more violence so that they could maintain that fear.

And it has seeped so deep down into society that we, even our #parenting style has become violent. Every time we #punish a child for misbehavior we are planting the first seeds of violence in their minds. They come to realize that anybody who does something wrong must be punished. And so that whole cycle of violence continues from there.

What it means now is that we have to look for an alternative and try to incorporate that in our life. And i think that is what my grandfather [ #MahatmaGandhi ] wanted to do and he demonstrated through his philosophy and his life, that it can be achieved and it can be done if we have that desire to do it.

--- Arun Gandhi, https://youtu.be/jFmTqFoLgjA?si=6KXzBcm-6n5CIukn&t=57

#ArunGandhi #nonviolence #violence #fear #punishment


With one hand we say to one who is angry, or to an oppressor, or to an unjust system, “Stop what you are doing. I refuse to honor the role you are choosing to play, I refuse to obey you. I refuse to cooperate with your demands. I refuse to build the walls and the bombs. I refuse to pay for the guns. With this hand I will even interfere with the wrong you are doing. I want to disrupt the easy pattern of your life.”

But then the advocate of nonviolence lowers the other hand. It is lowered outstretched—maybe with love and sympathy, maybe not — but always outstretched. [...] With this hand we say, “I won’t let go of you or cast you out of the human race. I have faith that you can make a better choice than you are making now, and I’ll be here when you are ready. Like it or not, we are part of one another.”

--- Barbara Deming, On Revolution and Equilibrium

#BarbaraDeming #nonviolence #quote #quotes


The Buddhist Peace Fellowship had a zoom lecture/meeting earlier today which i attended. Three speakers were there:
* Kaza Haga - activist and author of Healing Resistance - a radically different response to harm
* Miki Kashtan - NVC (Nonviolent Communication) trainer and author, who grew up in Israel but left because she felt she was passively supporting the state by being there
* Sami Awad - Palestinian nonviolent activist (new to me)

The main point of discussion was around how we can think about oppressed people using violence to defend themselves (and in relation to this the definition of nonviolence)

#nonviolence #Gaza #Palestine #oppression #KazaHaga #MikiKashtan #SamiAwad #BuddhistPeaceFellowship #BPF


paste from a comment responding to a hypothetical question asking what if would happen LGBTQ+ took over everything...

taking over everything, is the principle article, a totalitarian fundamentalist ubiquity paradigm, in this flavour, "LGBTQ+", the separation (is the path to destruction)[inset quote krishnamurti's quote about calling yourself something and separation] divisiveness (to conquer by) i play through in my mind as having the effect of increasing bisexuality in the gene pool, after the hetrosexuals have been democided, and the L & G would have higher hurdles to reproduction, and the T are a diverse group of whome some are even more hampered, others, may be crypto-hetrosexuals maintaining the species naturally, just under a different cultural shrowd, and {is this still the same sentence? oh my grammar, ...} the Q, i understand about as much as the +, but i speculate a mix of capacities to reproduce. the hormonal balances, chromosomal standardised interfaceability would get further out of homeostatic regulatory snugness in our evolution, demanding a far higher population to have chances of making reproductively compatible connections, ever diminishingly, at the same time as population reducing from reduced reproductively compatible connection succeeding to reproduce... needs more, causes less, is an exctinction trajectory. these are the natural pressures that would be at play, so, technology would need advance a pace with this rapid extinction trajectory... presumably all kinds of cloning. presuming the species manages to find a way to survive, and the paradigm of taken over everything persists, the deeper paradigm of divisiveness and elimination of the other for being inferior, or for being a persecutor, would likewise persist, despite the professing, in orwellian inversion of meaning, of being about inclusion, the democides would proceed to trim, and simultaneously, the redivisions paradigm would continue to expand "+", eating itself from both ends, dividing and conquering, disempowering, in the name of empowerment, and so, if that paradigm persists, it would even accelerate the self destruction, so much that perhaps the reproductive problems would not even get a chance to take effect before the self destructiveness destroys the species from the infighting witchhunt of the one true sexual orientation to exclude, after the first, the main thriving arrangement, hetrosexuality, got eliminated, in the name of inclusivity, then the paradigm that took over everything, proceeds to eat itself... a sussceptability that if we succumb to, destroys us all, not just in this flavour, making us a "type zero civilisation", extincted, because we failed to not opposame, because we failed see the danger of anything taking over everything, the danger of any flavour of that, the danger of taking over everything.

so maybe we should not do that.

can i have a hormonally healthy environment please? no more dripping us in this transformatively strong hormone-disrupting corporate environmental soup imposing that on everything, oh look, taking over everything, so, not just a hypothetical already... enjoy the forever chemicals, and the codex alimentarius necessitated glyphosate blackmailed dose or die scam that risks total ecocidal collapse, to get a quick buck because (and i quote, from an insider, their own reasoning...) "homosexuals have more expendable income". enjoy the chemtrails, enjoy the chemical slop replacing the food supply. enjoy the (carcinogenic mutagenic) estrogenic plastics instead of natural safe wrapping. enjoy the lies that tell you to identify with an idea of your gender or sexuality so that you cannot think critically about it without the attack on your ignorance feeling like an attack on your very survival so you limbically reflexively attack anyone who offers ideas for your mind to entertain in an educated way, neither accepting necessarily nor rejecting necessarily, not reflexively, because, you understand that the ignorance that dies is not you, and the truth, the terrain, survives sound epistemological investigation and exploration, unblemished, but the maps we gett attached to rustle and make a lot of noise. enjoy the lies of maps we were tricked to believe the terrain, in our own voice tricked to believe it our idea and that we were tricked to believe "our"(/"my") idea my own. especially without introspecting on that possiblity. because of course since it's not true, it doesnt need introspected on at all to see if it's true. that's sound reasoning, right? ;)

but seriously, that quote's good... worth it, worth breaking my flow with mention of it, worth the wait past my rambles n rants... here, listen to the wisdom in this...

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti

#digitsrants #separation #identity #inclusion #hypocrisy #paradigm #introspection #opposame #nonviolence #enlaketch #transcend #iseewhatyoudidthere


Observatoire des armements
23 septembre 2023, Marchons pour un monde sans arme nucléaire
Le samedi 23 septembre 2023, l’Observatoire des armements, le Mouvement pour une alternative non-violente, le Mouvement de la paix et ICAN France avec Rhône-Alpes sans nucléaire, Nos voisins lointains 3.11, SDN Isère, Groupe Grothendieck, Arrêt du nucléaire 26-07 (Drôme et Ardèche), Pax Christi et bien d’autres... vous donnent rendez vous à Lyon pour une grande mobilisation citoyenne et joyeuse
#armes #nucleaire #nonViolence


Soldiers Without Guns - Directed by Will Watson
https://youtu.be/p1vG3jLNa20 or https://yewtu.be/p1vG3jLNa20 1hr 36mins.
The journey of New Zealand Defence Force personnel as they land unarmed into the heat of a 10 year civil war using only the weapons of Music, Maori Culture and Love to create peace. This radical idea of sending soldiers without guns was condemned by the media.

"Soldiers Without Guns, recounts and shows us a true story that contradicts the most basic assumptions of politics, foreign policy, and popular sociology. This is a story of how a war was ended by an army without guns, determined to unite people in peace. Instead of guns, these peacemakers used guitars.

This is a story that should be much better known, of a Pacific Island people rising up against the largest mining corporation in the world. After 10 years of war, they had seen 14 failed peace agreements, and the endless failure of violence. In 1997 the New Zealand army stepped into the conflict with a new idea that was condemned by the national and international media. Few expected it to succeed."
~ World Beyond War

#peace #nonviolence #Bogainville #Aotearoa #NewZealand #peace-keeping


Bonjour tout le monde, je suis #nouveauici. Mes centres d'intérêt sont #actualite-des-luttes, #actualiteecologie, #altenatives et #nonviolence.

L'information indépendante est une base fondamentale de la démocratie.
Agir ensemble permet de garder le moral dans un monde complexe et difficile, et de contribuer à construire un monde humain malgré les vents mauvais. C'est ce qui motive mon travail quotidien sur http://mcinformactions.net que je propose de partager ici.