The #DeathSantis variant is super-spreading across Florida, exponentially (constantly doubling its rate), now threatening to eliminate DeSantis' base along with innocent children at historic levels. So what is his response? Pour gasoline on the fire, everywhere possible.

Florida Gets Even More Deadly As Appeals Court Blocks School Mask Mandates

What kind of legacy will he, Abbott, and other super-spreaders leave for the GOP/Q cult? "Abbott and DeSantis competed mightily for the # 1 "winning" prize for deaths by COVID-19 and #TrumpVirus variants like #DeathSantis (Delta), spawned by preventing public health.

Abbott and DeSantis already killed more of their constituents than any governors in U.S. history, in the name of "freedom"- while soundly ignoring science & human life, in their single-'minded' efforts to please their basest of bases... A tragedy of epic proportion.

As we all must wait now, a few more weeks at this rate and there won't be anyone left to cheer these child butchers on. :(

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠