GQP "Fake Debate" that is/was might be....
I'm done w/the #GQP "debate". Here's a thin-slice:...
#DeathSantis will make the US Florida, Haley will be rational & compassionate on the world stage, Swampy launched into an attack on the moderators/#Media (NBC) & said #MuskVirus & Tucker C. should be hosts to draw an audience.🤔.
(True, MAGATs are either in Hialeah cheering for #DeathSantis (as they've been doing, in response to his zinging every university and state other than in FL, where he has "cancelled" Palestinian groups. He goofed (not picked up) in saying he'd stop sending money to universities and have the government there defending them [um, with what money?]. Anyway, logic
Niki Haley is tearing Swarmy apart ... (the cheering caught my attention) - swiveled from Swarmy to "we need friends.... partnerships" and just tore Smarmy appoint on his attitudes towards Ukraine & Russa...
Not watching really, as at 10 all the news (MSNBC et al) will have their version of highlights and zingers. Christie now... he is definitely sounding sane and serious after Smarmy & the other guy spouting nonsense... Smarmy getting reprimanded demanding time to respond, now Ron on Putin: "When I'm President that is not going to happen..." Not going to Ukraine, shutting down the border....
🤢 "Money to process more illegal aliens... making it worse!" (So what would he do? Bomb the border? Defund that too, along with education?).
Onto international dynamics, China and Taiwan...
And onto dinner, before I lose my appetite.... In a way Smarmy is right that if the moderators were anti-extinctionist #MuskVirus and pro-looney-tunes #TuckerCarlson, they'd get some MAGAS to watch, and maybe peel off a few from Drumpf. Oh, if only....