Climate action is the best way to defeat Putin

According to the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), the quickest way to reduce our dependence on Russian gas is not by ramping up drilling of North Sea gas fields, but by rolling out electric heat-pumps and home insulation.

Heat-pumps provide heating for homes and water for much cheaper than gas boilers, by using electricity.

The ECIU’s conservative analysis shows that the 4% of gas demand Britain gets from Russia could be wiped out in just five years by installing heat-pumps and proper insulation in 6.5 million homes. Heat-pumps are now already cheaper to operate than gas boilers – so they would not only get rid of gas dependence, but make heating homes far cheaper.

#Putin #Ukraine #Russia #war #UK #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #HeatPumps #insulation #GlobalHeating #FossilFuels

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