Wtf is wrong with my T43? This is driving me insane. It had been having weird crashes for a while and I determined the HD was just old and dying so I replaced it, and then tried to install the new OS. (LXLE)

I STILL had weird crashes while I was trying to install LXLE so I ran a memtest it showed a bunch of failures. So I bought new RAM, put it in, and then installed LXLE again. I STILL kept getting weird crashes. And now apparently whatever program starts the LXDE desktop became corrupt because all I get is a wallpaper and a cursor on startup, there's nothing to click or interact with.
So I ran another memtest and it says THE NEW RAM I JUST BOUGHT IS ALSO BAD. How is that possible?

I just don't understand what is going on anymore. I need to get work done, my X60 is dying and now I can't even get the T43 to run after bying new parts for it because I don't understand what is causing these corruptions.

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