To other #podmins, I have several users telling me that they can't post messages anymore, I have that kind of stacktrace in my logs, do you have the same problem?

It looks related to using special characters like é in hashtags.

[2021-08-07T18:06:47] INFO  PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 ActionController::Base: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 26ms (ActiveRecord: 13.7ms)
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails:   
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails: LoadError (cannot load such file -- enc/trans/single_byte):
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails:   
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails: app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:16:in `block in create'
app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:13:in `tap'
app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:13:in `create'
app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb:47:in `create'
