

#podmin #podmins Is there anything wrong with purging pods that have been offline for more than a year? I have almost 1000 in my database, with 31000 people associated with them. It seems like I’m not getting any value from keeping them around.

If I set blocked=true is that roughly equivalent?


PSA: Since PostgreSQL 14, there is optional support for checksumming data-pages. You can - and probably should - enable that, although it's an offline operation that will take some time for larger databases. It might just save your butt if you have to deal with corrupted data (especially subtle things like silent data corruption due to a broken storage device).

For #podmins who are concerned about potential performance issues: don't be. I enabled it on January 17th, and there does not appear to be any relevant difference in my metrics.


Hi podmins,

I am looking for help as I have an user that is randomly getting logged out of Diaspora since a few months, and is not able to log in again for few minutes to several hours. He has been using the service since September 2022, and contacted me mid-November about it.

I do not have fail2ban running.
I could not find any errors in nginx or unicorn logs, however I see quite a lot of calls to /sign_in such as:

[20/Jan/2023:00:08:58 +0000] "GET /users/sign_in HTTP/1.0" 200 6701 0.0355
some GET /posts/xxx
[19/Jan/2023:18:41:43 +0000] "GET /users/sign_in HTTP/1.0" 200 6753 0.0480
[19/Jan/2023:18:41:43 +0000] "DELETE /users/sign_out HTTP/1.0" 302 115 0.0216

He is using Firefox on Windows 10. I am thinking this could be an issue with his browser, so I'm waiting to get console logs from him.
If anyone already encountered the issue or has an idea, please let me know :)

Thank you!

#podmin #podmins #help


Attention all #podmins in the #fediverse:

Read this. I had no idea.


#diaspora #friendica #mastodon #plemora


Hey podmins!

Please note that diaspora* is currently not compatible with Ubuntu 22.04, aka Jammy. Canonical decided to ship OpenSSL version 3 to everyone, and unfortunately, Ruby 2.7 is incompatible with OpenSSL 3. While there are some potential workarounds for that, we're currently unable to offer any help or support. So for now, please set up new pods using Ubuntu 20.04, and please do not upgrade your existing pods.

The next major release of diaspora* will support Ruby 3, and as soon as that is released (please do not ask for a timeline - we don't have one :)), you can upgrade your pods.

If you're already running a production pod on 22.04, and you somehow managed to get it running... please tell us how. We'd really like to know in case we get more support requests!

Thanks y'all.

#diaspora #podmin #podmins #ubuntu #jammy


A hint for all #podmins that might want to upgrade their #Ubuntu base to 22.04. ("Jellyfish"?)
In 22.04 the openssl lib defaults to v3.0, which is not compatible with ruby 2.6 or 3.

Try downloading and installing openssl 1.1 in your user space and install ruby with this:

rvm install 2.6 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.openssl/openssl-1.1.1g

A full and detailed description to install ruby on 22.04 I found here: https://deanpcmad.com/2022/installing-older-ruby-versions-on-ubuntu-22-04/


Can someone #ELI5 Diaspora short vs. GUID post references?

TL;DR: There are two distinct ways to reference a post and then it gets complicated.

GUID vs. Short-Form Post References

That is, what is the difference between:


Both refer to the same content. In this case, a reshare of my "Markdown Quick Reference" post from Joindiaspora. Which has its own GUID (ROOT_GUID), but let's not get ahead of ourselves....

In my experience, most Diaspora* users, including those who've been on the platform for ten or more years, or are developers or Podmins get confused, confounded, or tripped up by this. It is a BAD FEATURE and BAD BEHAVIOUR by this objective measure.

The long number is a GUID, referenced as such in profile data exports and when referencing content with a .json extension, but I’m not sure what the short value (978058) is, or how it is derived. Any guidance on this is appreciated. There is no mention in the Diaspora* documentation that I can find.

I know that bb9efd507ee8013a5b42448a5b29e257 is the post GUID, and encodes for my profile (07eeb013a5b40448a5b29e257), leaving 029707b as ... the post-specific bit.

GUID as Universal Identifier

The GUID reference is common regardless of the hostname of a given Diaspora* Pod. So I could link any of the following hosts where if federated the same post content appears:

There is the possibility that the post is not yet federated, as seems to be the case for diasp.de as I write this (Archive). Comments may differ depending both on when federation occured as well as Pod-specific moderation and federation policies. E.g., users or Pods specifically blocked at a Pod level won't be federated to the Pods blocking them.

The short-form reference is specific to a given Pod. The following do not refer to the same content, or even any content at all, despite having the same short identifier:

Results here will be an essentially arbitrary set of posts, or missing (404) content.

Local-Part URLs

The fact that GUID references are, well, global unique identifiers, means that it's possible to construct a "local-part" reference to a particular post and be guaranteed that it will refer to the same post on all instances, though it may or may not resolve unless the post has been previously federated. You'll have to construct a Markdown link to do so. Just the local part by itself, even within angle brackets to force link resolution, will not be interpreted as a hyperlink:


Resolves as:

... which is not in fact a hyperlink.

Here I'm using the local part URL as the link text as well, to achieve the result I'd intended the above example to produce.

The Markdown:


And the rendered content:


More usually one might refer to the post by descriptive text, such as, say, "Markdown Quick Reference reshare". Again, that references the same content on any Diaspora* pod to which the post has been federated. A side-effect is that members of such pods can then interact with the post directly: like, re-share, comment, dismiss, or flag.

On any Pod to which the post has already been federated that link will refer to the same content.

This, incidentally, is why I often reference posts in the form of named-local-part-link, brief-context, and host-specific-link, as with:

[Markdown Quick Reference reshare](/posts/bb9efd507ee8013a5b42448a5b29e257)

> I’d like to fix a few of the omissions and a couple of mis-categorisations, such as the role of the description text in images.


Which renders as:

Markdown Quick Reference reshare

I’d like to fix a few of the omissions and a couple of mis-categorisations, such as the role of the description text in images.


The first link will work for Diaspora* users. The second will at least point members of pods to which the content hasn't federated OR of other systems to the content in question. They may not be able to find an interactable version, but they can at least read the post. That's been the best solution I've been able to find.

By contrast, a liink to a remote Pod with a short-form reference does not provide content that is accessible to other Diaspora* members not on that pod. Visit, say, https://diasp.org/posts/978058, and try to sort out how to find that post's GUID. The ... most intuitive ... method I can find is to request the post's JSON abstract: https://diasp.org/posts/978058.json, which provides the following highly user-friendly interface:

{"id":978058,"public":true,"guid":"88207916cf429559","created_at":"2012-04-16T03:57:58.000Z","provider_display_name":null,"interacted_at":"2012-04-19T16:30:46.000Z","text":"![image name](/gocamo/9e0f11531bce86f327414ce0b965ad69cd4af3dc/687474703a2f2f64323477366273726862656839642e636c6f756466726f6e742e6e65742f70686f746f2f333832323537375f343630732e6a7067)\r\n#jesus #funny #lustig","post_type":"Reshare","nsfw":false,"author":{"id":79239,"guid":"7103eca9cc32b7ea","name":"St. Martin (der)","diaspora_id":"eiseskaelte@despora.de","avatar":{"small":"/gocamo/1b372f038c8b74131ae147c4f98306c0d4005c96/68747470733a2f2f646573706f72612e64652f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f31653962636565363236363635363463383462312e6a7067","medium":"/gocamo/dcee8773f5984d2465a4be58a2b0e1de194b86b4/68747470733a2f2f646573706f72612e64652f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f6d656469756d5f31653962636565363236363635363463383462312e6a7067","large":"/gocamo/b3d8ca033f5fa63518f15078e3c95b1c3f5566cd/68747470733a2f2f646573706f72612e64652f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f6c617267655f31653962636565363236363635363463383462312e6a7067"}},"o_embed_cache":null,"open_graph_cache":null,"mentioned_people":[],"photos":[],"root":{"id":971667,"public":true,"guid":"9809f7ca269e53ce","created_at":"2012-04-13T13:28:05.000Z","provider_display_name":null,"interacted_at":"2012-05-29T21:29:43.000Z","text":"![image name](/gocamo/9e0f11531bce86f327414ce0b965ad69cd4af3dc/687474703a2f2f64323477366273726862656839642e636c6f756466726f6e742e6e65742f70686f746f2f333832323537375f343630732e6a7067)\r\n#jesus #funny #lustig","post_type":"StatusMessage","nsfw":false,"author":{"id":64425,"guid":"70a53686776a814d","name":"Susi Kunterbunt","diaspora_id":"susikunterbunt@joindiaspora.com","avatar":{"small":"/gocamo/ec18e26cf52a80516d8f5eeaab0f4dad2ec89483/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f736d616c6c5f36303565316365626236626537313962636633332e6a7067","medium":"/gocamo/2962f942cd84af4979ac80638bbaee941866ea1e/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f6d656469756d5f36303565316365626236626537313962636633332e6a7067","large":"/gocamo/5a37c0f77aab27117fe1c13b977179dfe013f2a3/68747470733a2f2f6a6f696e64696173706f72612e73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f75706c6f6164732f696d616765732f7468756d625f6c617267655f36303565316365626236626537313962636633332e6a7067"}},"o_embed_cache":null,"open_graph_cache":null,"mentioned_people":[],"photos":[],"root":null,"title":"image name http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/3822577_460s....","location":{"address":null,"lat":null,"lng":null},"poll":null,"poll_participation_answer_id":null,"participation":false,"interactions":{"likes":[],"reshares":[],"comments_count":0,"likes_count":2,"reshares_count":1}},"title":"image name http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/3822577_460s....","location":{"address":null,"lat":null,"lng":null},"poll":null,"poll_participation_answer_id":null,"participation":false,"interactions":{"likes":[],"reshares":[],"comments":[],"participations":[],"comments_count":0,"likes_count":1,"reshares_count":0}}

If my best option is to unholster jq ... there seems to be some kind of failure at hand.

For the record, not even page source seems to help as the GUID isn't referenced within it by either label or value. See [view-source:https://diasp.org/posts/978058](view-source:https://diasp.org/posts/978058). Note that that link only works if your browser supports the view-source: meta-protocol. You may need to use tools such as curl or wget instead to grab raw page source.

I'll also note that for posts archived under their short-reference URL won't suffice to indicate GUID as that information is not available until an independent and additional JSON request is made. That is not possible for a downed Pod or deleted post or user.

Oh, and for the record, the GUID for that diasp.org post is 88207916cf429559.

In posts that are reshares of earlier posts, you'll also find a ROOT_GUID reference, which is the GUID of the original ("root") post reshared.

Diaspora* vs. other Fediverse Services and Federation

I've been careful to specify Diaspora* pods, as non-Diaspora* services (Friendica, Hubzilla, SocialHome, ...) may not use the same local-part reference.

Mind, now we've also got Federation to contend with, and not all content federates to all Pods. Worse, I'm not aware of a way to force federation of content through some pull action which isn't already federated via a Follow, Reshare by some profile followed on a Pod, or a direct mention of some profile on a Pod. Despite a GUID, simply requesting that GUID-identified content on a Pod won't generate a federation event. Though one would think that the encoded profile tag might identify the Pod the profile is on.

In practice, I forced Federation of many of my early Joindiaspora posts to Glasswings by specifically mentioning my Glasswings profile from a profile which could see the post, typically the original authoring profile --- my old Joindiaspora proifle @Doc Edward Morbius (moved to Glasswings). (Generating a huge volume of "ping spam" Notifications alerts for anyone who'd previously subscribed to those posts... Again, my apologies, but I couldn't find any other way.)

Making all of this all the more complicated... Why a Short-Reference default?

... Diaspora* defaults to using short vs. GUID references, most especially in post links and notifications.

To view the GUID reference one must click on either the hidden-by-default link-icon on a post in Stream view, or the date indicator within a post page. (You can view either of these yourselves in stream / post view.)

This means that in most cases, people are using non-portable references to posts. When viewing posts publicly, the GUID is not shown or accessible.

Among reasons why this matters: I've spent two months ensuring that most of my posts from the now-defunct Joindiaspora Pod are archived at the Internet Archive (about 73% success rate) and Archive.Today (approaching 100%). But I'd archived the GUID reference URLs of those posts. The short-URL formats, including the short-URL formats included for other posts referenced within those archives or of archives of Profile pages are not archived. External links to short-URL formats are also not archived.

All of which is something of a mess.

Which leaves us with a few questions

Q: What is the official name of the short-post reference?

Poking at page source suggests data-guid. That also does not exist in the Wiki or Discourse. There are six references presently in the Diaspora* codebase.

Q: Is there any extant documentation or discussion of this at all?

I've found none at the Diaspora* Wiki or the Diaspora* Discourse sites.

Q: Why distinguish "short" and "GUID" references at all?

Q: Is there some cost to GUID references I'm unaware of?

Q: Why are "short" post references the default reference?

Q: Why are "short" post references used at all?

Q: Why are GUID post references not exposed for general-public access to a post?

Q: Why does a local request for GUID-identified posts not trigger a federation event and fetch request for that post?

I could probably extend that list and likely will in comments. But it's a good start.

Shares and boosts appreciated.

#diaspora #eli5 #help #tips #FAQs #GUID #federation #DiasporaDev #Podmins


It is official #poduptime is now redirecting to #fediverse #observer #fediverseobserver


Let me know if you see any issues!

#podmin #podmins I also updated the single stats page a little https://fediverse.observer/diasp.org for example. Still not in love with my design skills here.

#diaspora #friendica #mastodon are now the software featured on the wizard.

Probably some updates on that new main page today so it auto highlights when you visit a sub-domain.


I'm going to be shutting down my pod soon, as I'm the only user of it and it is thus a failed experiment. Any #podmins interested in copying over my bot configs for Slashdot, The Truth About #Guns, NPR, BBC, etc?


To other #podmins, I have several users telling me that they can't post messages anymore, I have that kind of stacktrace in my logs, do you have the same problem?

It looks related to using special characters like é in hashtags.


[2021-08-07T18:06:47] INFO  PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 ActionController::Base: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 26ms (ActiveRecord: 13.7ms)
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails:   
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails: LoadError (cannot load such file -- enc/trans/single_byte):
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails:   
[2021-08-07T18:06:47] FATAL PID-3947 TID-70094554978660 Rails: app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:16:in `block in create'
app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:13:in `tap'
app/services/status_message_creation_service.rb:13:in `create'
app/controllers/status_messages_controller.rb:47:in `create'



A short intermezzo from my other work on #diaspora #sourcecode.
#societas.online pod has now a slightly improved "Popular Tags" section. It know summarizes synonyms of tags.
Eg. On a pod are many #photos, #photo and #myphotos. Another example is the use of plural forms.

Societas now allows the podmin to define lists of synonyms and its stem words.
Also tags without putting more meaning to a post ("lang_ru", "de") or other very general topics can be filtered out.

This is what the tag list in sidbar looked before:
Popular tags then..

and now:
Popular Tags now

The podmin can configure this over time with a simple UI:
Podmin UI

What do other #podmins or #user think? Worth to continue work here? Do you like to see this on other pods? Give me a comment.

(Don't worry. Migration feature is next on my list, but Tags is a currently living feature which needed some overhaul)

Don't expect too much, a real "Trending" feature, with considers a baseline of tags and highlights trends (over just sum up) needs more work.